Tuesday, April 14, 2009

here I am, wanting Devin to take a nap so I can have about 15 mintues of time to myself, then I need a nap as well, I am tired from staying up too late on facebook. Well and the phone, nothing like being on the phone and facebook with a friend, LMAO
This whole blog thing seems to once again be taking second fiddle to whatever else is going on in my life at the time. I have a book I want to have time to read. Friends I want to spend time with, more jobs I want to do.........
This weekend I get to go to my mother's house to load up a storage pod with my sibling of items she will be keeping, we hope we get the pod?!?!?!?!? I was suppose to see my one of my besties this Saturday but those plans abruptly changed, ever wonder if a friend is upset with you for no good reason, well in my mind if the friend is upset it is for no good reason, disappointment yes, but mad no. I have no clue just have this sinking feeling in the pit of my tummy and trying to work through it. For all I know they are none of the above said mention and this energy was wasted.
I am trying to take some evenings off this week, including last night but excluding Easter I have worked the past 8 days straight, though they are not 8 hours days at my paid job they are still full days of work outside of my household duties and well I think I need a couple of evenings off, even though it means I will not be bringing money in to the home, all of you that know me know this drives me insane. I am breathing though and trust God will see us through economic hard times. ALL OF US!!!!
well I think I want to get Devin down for a nap and get a move on towards my own nap.
Peace and Love, Hope and Patience

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

I am sorry your plans fell through :/
I am hearing you, on all levels girlfriend..I need to check my calendar but I am thinking you should come over Tuesday morning :)

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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