Monday, April 06, 2009

Random thoughts

Let some life changing begin, a new soul rise, a life renew itself. Growing in to your adult self can be good and not scary. Letting old habits go can be refreshing not threatening. Not understanding why and knowing how is important. Circles keep you going, just not in a direction that takes you anywhere. Learning how to truly love is a gift. Being patient is longer than the word unless I live in the word. Being what others have come to expect of me feeds me but not my soul. Changing is just as scary to me as it is to others, appreciate what others do to better their lives, it will be a great inspiration. We can all use beautiful inspiration. Letting go of past hurt, pain and habits is hard because we have been familiarized to it, like a family member, a new you is judged and stared at, sometimes even laughed at. Know you can still keep a personality even when changing habits, you can keep your personality when you change your habits, you can keep your personality when you change your habits, but personal habits change. How do I ...................thoughts............................! Meditation does not mean to take a nap. Desires are natural, your reaction to them is what makes the difference. Growing in yourself is hard, taking others along is a challenge.

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Love your posts!!
Hey how do you print your blog and do the pictures print as well? I want to put mine on cd but i don't know how?? Funny how i think you are my friend now and I haven't even met you! i now can understand how people meet and get married over the internet..hahahahah.
take care Jodie

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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