Tuesday, August 04, 2009


how long has it been since I have posted anything, I go through these phases often, I have time or simply have nothing to say or share. Maybe a bit more of I dont want to say or share anything. If you are by my side than you know what is going on in my life and well not enough read this to be worried about posting all the boring details of this busy >womens life. I love my friends, I love my family and I am grateful to have this life and outside of that there is nothing more to say really. so now I have posted, an update none the less that I am still here, breathing, work, kids, errands, friends, family, life........... The summer has us on four wheelers, playing in the creek at Quivr River park, hanging out with friends, moving family, swimming, sunning, you know all that good stuff. Both kids will start school soon, Devin in 3 year old preschool, Sweet Jesus I see a break a head of me, 2 days a week, 3 hours a pop.. what will I do with myself. Brenden will be in the 8 grade, that just means highschool next year. SO this is it, today we are headed to drop of items to the recycled kids sale, wait for the cable guy here and at mom's, that will be interesting and actually no work this evening. Waiting for Scentsy to take off again, economy is being tough on it right now but thats ok, my house smells amazing. Well need to be moving on, Hope all of you out there are doing beautiful and are blessed each and everyday.........MUAH!!!!!!!!

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