Monday, December 22, 2008

Ginger Bread house

a random photo of us from our neighbor gathering, and then the boys decorating their first ginger bread house, not bad for first timers. We will get more creative next year, a week later and it is still standing so I think we did well.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I have sooooooooooo much to vent girlfriends, I dont know where to start, i will just say a few things and then maybe vent later, there is just too much to say right now and I may get too mean in what I say so it is just best to keep it simple, whatever that means. I have been talking about this which is sooooooooooooooo wrong and I should stop but its as if I cant NOT help myself and I think if I say it one more time it could get better, yea right! Who the fuck am I kidding.

besides the feeling of being totally overwhelmed these last few weeks I have taken on one HUGE situation, not alone mind you but all the same I dont think I need it by any means but I sure would hope that someone would help me if I were in , No I would not allow this to happen to me, its not who I am but still I would pray that someone would come to sort me out if I was in a bad way.

I have someone in my life that has created debt, dirt, and addiction to swallow them whole.

I have been working along with others to help them dig out, organize, trash, donate, sort, and box their life, their home, their things.

I am not perfect, we ALL know this. I will be the first to build a soap box to stand on and shout my faults and how I hope to some day over come them all. I am on one now that I am not shouting about, its more of a whisper since the person I am helping is taking over.

but I feel I have been worse due to the added issues.

The person though has to get help, find help, want help and accept help. Thus far they are letting Brad and I take over their financial situation and once we started digging, HOLY CRAPOLA. They have a gambling addiction that is worse than I had ever wanted to believe it to be, this is beyond me since I hate to be without money, I hate to freely spend. Now trust me if I won money I would be buying things but I would also be hording it just as easily.

I buy something and many times will return the item if I feel it is not truly needed.

This person and their ways are so different from mine and how can that be when in my youth they were so influential in many of the things I try to change about myself today. Maybe it is that I have overcome some of who they are and am still working on the mental part that they placed or that I have learned from them.

None of this is my PROBLEM, I know this. I did not do this to them, no one did. They have done it to themselves but they need to grow up and get their head out of their freakin ass and OMG!!!!!!

So we are moving them out of their house before they lose it, clean up the crap, donate the worthy, pack and store the important, fast move what is immediately needed and someone how not burn the rest................................................
well my computer shut down and I lost the rest of what I wrote, maybe I was saying and going on too long, so I will take the hint and let it rest and move on, try to see what I can do for myself and then what I can for others to make my spot in life a happy place to be, I am grateful and blessed in my home and that my friends, "MY HOME" is alllllll that matters.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why God has different answers

why doesn't God say the same thing to everyone? Why isn't everybody getting the same message?" Answer is simple as this "Everybody isn't asking the same question. Everybody is not at the same point of understanding. Everybody is not even wanting the same thing." We are all about eternalness which means we are about difference. It is in our difference that desires of all kinds come forth, and as all of these new desires pop up, every one of them, even in their difference, is important

Leavitt Family


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

We have our tree up and ready to go, even though we didn't decorate as much this year as we normally do, I think being so busy has us thinking we have to take it all down and right now that is not so appealing.
So I bought this $20 tree that Brad made fun of of course, but I ended up paying like $2.95 for it after Christmas last year and its so sweet, true Charlie Brown style, its a cute addition to the basement. I had found two new sets of decorative lights that were bought last year too, they match the lights that go on our big Christmas tree upstairs. So we laughed and put it up added lights and that is all I did to it. SO cute!
It took Brad a few days to bring up the big tree, and it sat there for a few says with no lights due to the following, Brad was outside putting lights up one day and I left to run an errand or work, who remembers now, I came home to lights in our bushes which we don't usually do but that's fine with me, the more the better, and Brad states "we need to use up what we have around here, don't buy any more lights" fine with me, but we now have lights in the bushes, he says he found them and used them, I look closer at them and yup, my Christmas tree lights. I left them on the bushes till he brought the tree up and then stole them back, of course replacing them with other lights that I found for his bushes, so we are all good. The boys then wanted in on hanging ornaments, Devin's all ended up in one spot but it was just fun to watch he and Brenden work together decorating the tree.
Tis the season!!!!


what is up with this cold season, there are so many of us with the cold thing going on, it sucks.
But the mornings you pull yourself out of bed and hope that once up and moving you will feel a bit better, I feel sorry for Brad since he ends up running in circles at work and has no time to think about feeling better.
This weekend we are hosting our court party, well I planned a house hop and am hoping someone else is going to open the doors after 9 for this party to hop on in.
I included kids but it all ends when Devin needs to go to bed.
I seem to be the court organizer, they all come to me asking what are we doing this weekend, holiday, when its snows..................... I love to organize social gatherings though so I have no complaints, except I dont want to be sick for it. Buck up little camper and know things will be fine by Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay I came to Devins room to play cars with him so he would be happy and guess who is sitting in the uncomfortable floor surrounded by match box cars listening to wiggles on tv? No children in sight!
oh I see, Devin walked in with cheetos puffs, Brenden is passing out snacks, guess I better go get a wet wash cloth for cheesy fingers.
Back soon, I need to post the kids photos from the Christmas tree decorating, they were so sweet workign together.....

Saturday, December 06, 2008

well if it weren't for this sinus cold that is trying its hardest to break through I would be out in the cold tomorrow shooting pictures, but THANKS to this cold trying to come through I have cancelled and opted to do short indoor sessions, supply atleast a Christmas card photo for my clients, I will let the weather win and wait till spring to continue the outside photographs. I am so busy in so many areas that its time to catch up on a few other things and know that God has shown me this is what my future is and I am happy with that and will learn to take my time with it. I hate to rush things and that is all I feel I have been doing these days, rush here, there, everywhere.
I had my first in door session on Friday, not too bad for someone lacking equipment, cross your fingers and pray for me that Sunday will work out well.

Friday, December 05, 2008


well Devin has been such a good boy, hanging in his room, I have had a chance to catch up with friends and sites, thought this is my last fast stop and I have to start my day, many things to do.
I have like 5 photo sessions this weekend, lets see how the weather treats us. I think after this weekend I will take a break from the photography, I have been swamped with it, which is a huge blessing, but I don't have enough time to do all that comes with it, prep the photos and material that goes with it takes so much time and well with my hair clients and the kids as well. I am pooped out.
I love the photography though and will not stop just not going to feel the pressure for a bit.
I made salsa yesterday for Brad's employees and our neighbors, that is like 30jars that need to be made, obviously though the 4 batches I made didn't make enough to go around so I bought more last night. Hopefully Saturday between work and my niece's play I will have time to grill veggies and get it all made and into the mason jars for Brad to take to work and us to deliver to the neighbors for a nice treat.
I LOVE Christmas, the lights and the smells, the feeling of hope and what it all stands for.
My childhood memories of the fireplace and wood crackling, grandparents, decorations, of course Christmas morning and taking all my gifts to my room and just looking through it all, then so fast it was all over and dreary January was upon us.
I have organized our annual neighbor gathering for next Saturday, we will be staying in for this one, we will house hop for drinks and snacks, if all participate. I am starting point, we will see who joins in, if none then we will be in the street with the fire pits, which is not always a bad thing to me. I like the fire and cold. Kind of like salty sweet to those of us that like that....
There is a dueling piano bar opening soon, in January I have us organized to go there for our actual Christmas outing.
That should be a great time.
so that is what is going on, Brenden is on a field trip today with school to see Scrooge, he likes that play, Saturday we go to see my niece in a play. I don't even know what its about, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Junior high so it will be cute I'm sure.
Have a blessed weekend, here are a few pics of recent sessions

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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