Tuesday, December 09, 2008


what is up with this cold season, there are so many of us with the cold thing going on, it sucks.
But the mornings you pull yourself out of bed and hope that once up and moving you will feel a bit better, I feel sorry for Brad since he ends up running in circles at work and has no time to think about feeling better.
This weekend we are hosting our court party, well I planned a house hop and am hoping someone else is going to open the doors after 9 for this party to hop on in.
I included kids but it all ends when Devin needs to go to bed.
I seem to be the court organizer, they all come to me asking what are we doing this weekend, holiday, when its snows..................... I love to organize social gatherings though so I have no complaints, except I dont want to be sick for it. Buck up little camper and know things will be fine by Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay I came to Devins room to play cars with him so he would be happy and guess who is sitting in the uncomfortable floor surrounded by match box cars listening to wiggles on tv? No children in sight!
oh I see, Devin walked in with cheetos puffs, Brenden is passing out snacks, guess I better go get a wet wash cloth for cheesy fingers.
Back soon, I need to post the kids photos from the Christmas tree decorating, they were so sweet workign together.....

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