Saturday, December 06, 2008

well if it weren't for this sinus cold that is trying its hardest to break through I would be out in the cold tomorrow shooting pictures, but THANKS to this cold trying to come through I have cancelled and opted to do short indoor sessions, supply atleast a Christmas card photo for my clients, I will let the weather win and wait till spring to continue the outside photographs. I am so busy in so many areas that its time to catch up on a few other things and know that God has shown me this is what my future is and I am happy with that and will learn to take my time with it. I hate to rush things and that is all I feel I have been doing these days, rush here, there, everywhere.
I had my first in door session on Friday, not too bad for someone lacking equipment, cross your fingers and pray for me that Sunday will work out well.

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

Girlfriend, somehow these pictures escaped my attention..HOW CUTE ARE THEY?????????
and what happened to your other blog?????

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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