Thursday, August 11, 2011

a new life

so many things have been going on in my life and its just truly amazing how life can twist and turn and when you think you know where you are headed you wake up and wipe the sleep from your eyes and realize that its moving in a direction that is benefiting others and you have forgotten what it is that you wanted in the first place. I recall so many times I have wanted things through out the years, dreams hopes wishes and after many years I was free to follow those wishes. Well once I was able to rid myself of the things that were clouding my journey and what was my intended path. Reality is that our path is full of clouds and rain as well as sunshine and rainbows, what is important is that we fully walk the path that is set before us and understand what it is we are going through and learn from the walk we take. As I set one foot in front of the other and began walking I met so many new people and some I thought I were there for a reason but I would not complete my journey with them by my side, but that I need to keep walking and learning and growing to be the person God intends me to be.My journey is long and some days exhausting but I find strength in all that I go through and keep my faith even on the days I think I am going to be stuck face down in the ditch there is always something that pulls me up and out of the dark and I breath deeply and begin again and reflect on what it is that I experienced and why.I recently made important changes in my life that have brought me closer to my dreams and have been so greatly blessed. I have fresh breath, new light blessing my life daily.There is nothing greater than finding a true love to share my life with and am so grateful to God for this life I am living, many wonderful things to boys are growing like weeds and so incredibly special to me. Brenden is 15 and Devin is 5 and God has such great plans for them.

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