Monday, June 24, 2013

Forgive and let go of Resentment

so its amazing how I can begin to do things in life and go through the ups and downs and figure out the lesson or analyze it by ripping through it to figure out the lesson of it all to walk in to church and hear a sermon on EXACTLY WHAT I JUST WENT THROUGH LAST MONTH or 3 months ago, whatever...its like reading a horoscope that applied to what happened "already" .... So I'm grateful for the things that God teaches me  and then the test He gives me at the end of the lesson to be sure I got it right....The lesson is this
You have situations in life where it can be you who is at fault, or you may be the one that is on the receiving end of someone else's fault, and sometimes others wont accept their part in a shared train wreck and so you take all the blame which is something I tend to do cause I don't mind it I'm ready to work through my problem and yours, I will let others of the hook and move on with the guilt and pain and heart break and as in the beginning of this I explained the lesson learned factor, I rather learn and not repeat than deny and make the same dang mistakes again and again wasting my life and you take all those "sins" and you don't ignore them, you fess up to them, sometimes you cant go back to those you have hurt or have hurt you BUT many times you can, and you ask for forgiveness or you give the person freedom from the pain they have done unto you. Holding on to resentment and anger only brings gray hairs faster ( I notice my husband at the age of almost 50 has maybe 3 greys in his goatee) and makes your life miserable. Those that accept or reciprocate in your efforts truly share your life for Christ and for doing what is right, they receive such a gift that money cant buy and that's "peace". It's "For Christ's Sake" that we forgive and are forgiven, this is how we represent Christ for we forgive then we are as Christ in His forgiven us of our debts towards others (And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors) My hardest part is when you are mocked for doing as God says and came to the conclusion that "its not my problem" I am on this earth as a test and my actions to the tests presented to me will be judged and graded by my Father, those that laugh at my lesson and outcomes will be judged by their laughter...Maybe learning something in each lesson instead of mocking or judging would be for the wiser...My friends if you don't believe that their is a God, and you do not believe you will be in front of Him one day for your own judgement but you DO believe in Hell, the Hell that was formed when Gods angel fell from heaven and crashed with a burning eternal burning flame that awaits all those that chose to deny Him, well I am praying for you, YOU are my biggest purpose YOU should be the purpose of many Christians, and if you DO know and you choice to continue to mock and destroy others Christians and even worse to do this to NON Christians..I pray for you EVEN MORE... I learned here to accept, to forgive, to let go and to move many times? EVERY TIME

I thank GOD every day for that Rascal of mine, He truly holds no anger, no resentment, no hate...He deals with what others or he has done he prays on it and he leaves it in Gods hands, EVERY TIME.....I prayed for a partner like him many MANY years and God has blessed me.

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