Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tiger Cub Momma

well here we go kids.....Devin has signed up to be a Tiger Cub and me being momma Tiger, well that gives me the chance to lead a den of boys on a wonderful adventure. Have NO clue what I am doing since I am a girl scout, not a boy scout. Once I read the first part of the guide book and looked at what Boy Scouts is all about, it hit me "I have been leading Devin on this path since day 1". The honesty of it is that Devin has already earned most of the patches due to how I raise boys. That was such an awesome feeling to me. Now I just have to show 8 other boys what I have already been showing Devin. My guess is that since their parents care enough to bring them to such a wonderful organization that maybe they have already been taking these steps with their sons as well. Im so excited to learn more and being this new chapter in my life with boys.

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