Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Comment box

its amazing how time has just come and gone so fast, the summer has left us and fall has been amazing. I am sitting here now dealing with my change of weather health that hits me every year at this time. I have taken photos of the boys for their birthdays and then never had them developed. I have take tons of photos actually and they all sit on a disc waiting for me to get to them some day. I have been just enjoying taking some time for me. Not to forget my boys or friends, though my family says I am not myself. What is myself is me taking time for me right now and I am OK with it. Amazing when you stop being the one that keeps up, does all, tries to be everything for everyone else how the heads become side cocked with a look of wonder on the faces of those that were so spoiled by you. You step back and take a moment to do for yourself and all of a sudden the comments start rolling in. I didn't know I put a comment box out there for anyone to deposit opinions in. But they have and I am dealing with it all. I appreciate the concern but know its a matter of not being able to please the masses.
This summer was full of best friends, kids, good times. Going to the creek, four wheeling, taking day trips and having girls nights out. Brad and I did made a purchase just for us and we are reconnecting as a couple. That is so much over due. He still works too many hours, I am juggling many plates and thinking at times I am getting a good balance going, even if others don't think so, again its just amazing when you dont feed all your attention to someone how their criticism comes out. You can do whatever you want as long as its with or for them. That's fine, when my energy is ready I will do what I can for who and when I can. For now, Devin is in preschool, Brenden in middle school I am working 3 part times jobs on top of being mom, house choir queen, wife, friend amongst other titles. I deleted what was not meant to be in this part, but maybe for once I think I am in love with myself, that I have to suck up while I can. Those boys of mine, just look at them, they are amazing gifts from God, they drive me crazy most days, but they are mine, a gift and I cherish that gift and everyday I get with them.
I cant please anyone usually so *()$%^ it! like how that tirent should have been about peace and it was full of anger for a place I was in, very sad, Im editing this now since things are so different and I have grown sooooooooooooo much, I am just shaking my head as my life was changing others could not deal with what was going on , but its ok, its all ok... go with how you are lead in life, no regrets just make it the best you can and find your authentic self and someone that compliments that as you do the same for them.... Formost, Love your children love your life and remember to dance in the rain

1 comment:

Sheila said...

girl i know exaclty how you feel!!! i am kind of dealing with the same thing- i have ALWAYS put everyone else first and just when i decide to concentrate on myself- like maybe staying home instead of going to a party, or not being my crazy self (which i think i have just calmed down in my old age LOL) but becuase of that i get the "what is wrong with you?" " you dont seem yourself! WHAT! just becuase i have chose to change my habits something is wrong. geesh!!! i applaud you girlie- most of all for being honest. wish i was as vocal as you bc i just sit back and ignore it. maybe i shoudl go off! LOL

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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