Thursday, April 18, 2013

Leaky Roof

so much rain this week it has begun to find its way in to our home, our beautiful 92 year old home is being invaded from above and below. We had hard blowing rain a week ago and a leak began in our office, quick grab a towel, dripping is landing quietly now. This still left a bummer feeling in our thoughts. Today more rain came and kept coming and soon we noticed where we took part of our ceiling out for a project there now is a drip drip slight but still a drip is a drip and it has invaded our home. Then to the basement to check laundry and water is creeping its way across the floor, two areas are beginning to have a race to see who can find the drain pump first.
I began to have this thought as I deal with other areas of my life, not just what is happening to my home with this water seeping in, but I...Being the deep thinking Christian I am began to think about the parallel worlds of physical and spiritiual.....I thought about the stresses and strains of daily life and situations that are on a roll and out of our control. They seep in to different areas of our lives and we can grab a paper towel, a cloth towel, a mop or even a bucket for the big drips. But still they are there so what to do about it. Well trace it along the pipeline, how far back does it go, where does it start, what other factors are invovled, can you cover it up, patch it up, replace a part or do you need to call in for professinal help or is the drip just due to the changing weather outside and once it passes the drip will dry up and all will be well again, yet the thought of that similar situation arising again and the issue returns. Sadly life situations will repeat unless they are dealt with and if done so properly and promptly they can find a way to patch, heal and never leak again. But if you are there with a leak that you find comes from two areas, both need to be fixed. You fix your end but the other part has done nothing to fix their end, well then the leak, the drip will continue to plop and splatter on all that surrounds it.
So what do you do? I am waiting on that answer as I deal with my drips and streams in life, that are reaccuring, I fix my end and the other end still drips and leaks and then uses a squigy to shovel the water towards my dry areas making me start all over again as I mop up the messes they create. I pray on this time and again awaiting for the answer in what to do, how can I help when I feel that even the thought of me brings a down pour of water. Its a helpless feeling, even harder when you are aware that some are suffering as they wade in the water around this continuous drip....
I pray that if you find your self in a trouble spot of life, and surrounded by water, don't flail around like you cant swim, put your feet down stand up and try walking to drier land, get some floaties, ask for a lifeguard to help you out, then go take swimming lessons or patch up your leaks. If Evil is seeping in around you, fight back, don't let it flood your life and drown you where you stand. Pray God guides you, shows favor on your life and bring you peace to all the storms you must weather.

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