Wednesday, February 25, 2009

something I read

Those that are succeeding and are thrilled and joyful in the unfolding will often tell you, "I've dreamed this since I was little. I imagined it, I pretended it, I used to practice with the hairbrush pretending it was a microphone." Purity is the alignment of energy. Doesn't matter what anybody else thinks about anything. It only matters what you think about it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Whittle train stop

A trip to Whittle Train Station today proved to be great fun, we went with cousins Gavin, Peyton and Addison and their friends Sean and Peter.
We do plan to return with Daddy and BB, a train went by at the end of our visit sending out us with a smile


pics of whats been going on

Alex and Sophia, I was at Robbies on Sunday helping a friend work with her photography equipment, she did such a good job, these two were so cute I had to grab my camera and get my own photograph of them, I am sure Cindy's will be must better since she was set up for the shot Here I am putting Brad and Devin to work on Scentsy, they were so wonderful to help me unload my kit, as you see there are no child labor laws in my house

Devin and his Parents as Teacher Educator playing last week with some corn starch and water, who knew how much fun could be had by this, It was quite cool....

3 ring Circus

this is my new title, I am going to balance it all. The one thing, okay, one of the things I feel I am not the best I am going to take on.
3 jobs, 3 kids, well really come on. 3 Besties. Seems I could find 3's in anything to be honest witchya.
Well so it keeps me from being on here lately. Thats not all bad.
yesterday I went to Robbies to get some work done. Set up in her office, we were back to back and i have to tell you it was a cool feeling. Feeling like we had soemthing to work on together. Then our kids would come through. I thought I am getting less done here than at home, and getting frustrated with Devin who is content for short periods of time, Even with his friends there to play, still it was a feeling I had during that time of how I was having more fun there in that moment than at home alone being frustrated.
I thrive off of energy and Robbie gives me good energy.
So I was working on my launch letter, which I did end completeing, and got them mailed out attached to a catalog. Really hoping to make an honest go at this Scentsy. I got my shows order yesterday from Robbie and oh I am so in love, one smell after another takes me to a blissful place, I got good feedback from those that came and ordered as well.
Okay I hear Devin, Even though I have been up since 5 with one short 30 minute catch up nap, I am not ready for him to rise just yet. I was hoping to catch up on all my blogging. Maybe later, so much to share in photos and stories....
Much Love till then
Um, Devin just came out with his typical 10 woobies and two binkies saying " I go to Siwer's house" even he loves to hang at Robbies!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Every bit of it is about economics. Every bit of it, without exception. Everything about religion is about economics. Everything about politics is about economics. And everything about economics is personal satisfaction. Everyone is personally motivated to do the best that they can possibly do for themselves

So Monday I became a sales rep under Miss Robbie for Scentsy candles, though they are not candles, they are warmers to fill your home with amazing scents. I am all about smells and love this product, so why not sell something I love. Besides the economics part of it. We can all use a bit more cash flow.
SO I am going for it. I thought the feed back from my excited email would be so phenomenal, everyone wanting to book a party. BLAH, nothing! My sister will after taxes, I totally get that. So I have one future booking. I know I will have more, but I was so high from my sign up, then I went to do hair work and talked to my clients about it. I am still excited, I realllllly do love this product...
I told Brad, he said "what are you giving up to do this?" He thinks I do too much as it is. Well I am for the moment not doing photography so that is a bit of a resting point. I don't have time to study the photography as I need. I got a wonderful flash for Christmas, I don't even know how to use it. My brain is moosh and the thought of studying anything just makes me tired. I read all sorts of things, things of inspiration, blogs, emails, fast notes. But to STUDY, OMG.............
So I figure since I want to make more money, But do enough with hair, and the cost to get all the photography equipment I need and to find time and energy to learn it all. It will have to wait a little bit longer. I think to skip down this avenue and see what awaits me is an exciting idea. You never know what is intended for yourself unless you try.
so my site is stop in and check out the amazing scents we have to offer, with over 80 I am sure something will temp you. It did me and now I am selling it.....

Monday, February 09, 2009

60's again

so the weather is suppose to be wonderful again today with rain invading us this evening. The rain is needed to wash away the remains of the snow and salt, okay no snow but some dirty streets that could use a shinning.
I have a filthy truck, whats new. But I have an urge NOT to wash it due to the rain that we are suppose to have. It makes it really hard when it has been so nice out and well you want things fresh and clean for the fresh weather.
So Devin and I are hanging out whilst I goof on this here computer for a bit, doing some laundry from time to time. He is content so why rock the boat ya know. I plan to take him to the park, since we can't waste this day totally. Tomorrow they are calling for even nicer weather, with rain yet again come evening. I will take every bit of it. To be honest Spring weather is my favorite next to Fall. I like the change of seasons, but not the allergies that come with it. Ok Devin is in something so I best be on my way, had not typed in some time so I felt I should leave something to scrath and sniff.
Oh the scentsy party I had was wonderful. I wish you all could have been there, Brad was to take Devin out, but I was not about to make him leave when he was enjoying smelling all those wonderful scents, so he hung out with the girls nad picked out some scents. Great job Robbie.

UPDATE, I just walked outside, we are headed out to park and cousin play, well my truck is nice and CLEAN, yea Big Daddy, momma owes you one!!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Have a wonderful day at school

I am sitting here thinking of what Brenden said before he headed off to his first FULL day of school."have a good first full day back Brenden", "have a good day not being a teacher mom"
(he is so excited to be going back, to get his friends back and his routine back. I think he thought home would be different and well as much as it was different, homeschooling is not easy)
So his comment is sticking with me as well as my response. "Brenden I will always be a teacher even if you are not being homeschooled"
For after he left Devin wanted his school work out and we began to work.

That was not what I meant when I made the statement but I guess it goes along with it. We have so much we want to teach our children everyday, I think I may teach and guide too much at times. Allowing Brenden to figure more out I am thinking would be a real gift to his adult that is to come.
Last night I handed him our zoo summer camp magazine and he brought a really cool class to us. For one day ( sorry 2 1/2 hours) $145 he works one on one with the lion seal trainer, he preps food works with the seals and is even part of one of the shows and is given lunch and a shirt. Well Brad and I decided at that moment, WHY NOT, he doesn't do sports, parents are paying out the ass for so many activities and Brenden only does guitar with his wonderful uncle who doesn't even charge us. We would soooooooooo pay for that experience. Well he found two others, still under $50 and I was like whatever you want to do Brenden you go for it, we will pay for it. I said now I need to know so I can call tomorrow, I mean space is limited, BIG TIME. Well with that he was getting nervous. Brenden likes time, taking it. I on the other hand make fast decisions.
My thought is its limited you want it you better go for it and get it while you can.
So do I call today and book his seal trainer adventure, or do I let him decide later even though it may be too late to book it, IF he decides he wants to do it.
Obviously this is all in the summer months none of it will interfere with school, but like that would bother me if it did. What better way to learn than to get your hands in it.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what to do! Send some advice on what you would do people

my morning funny with Devin
He walks out with my glass of water like he does most mornings. Every night I take a glass of ice water to bed, and usually there is almost a full cup the next morning, its a good habit for me since I am to drink so much of it.
well I typically wont dump the water down the drain. I my plants with it, why waste it right! so obviously my little Devin has been watching me do this. He will come out every so often with my cup of water and say "water tree" and sure enough he goes over and dumps the water in the soil, I would almost swear my ficus sighs a "thank you".

So you always teach your children, intentional or unintentional. Your words and your actions are not lost on them and their little souls. They soak it all up even when You think they are not paying attention. As Eileen (Brad's mom) said one day after Brenden had been staying over at her house "Brenden listens to everything you say, all that you have taught him he is using, his manners, his habits. what you say is not lost on him". It really helped me to know what I was doing, okay the good stuff, was sticking with Brenden and he was taking it out in to the world with him.
Devin is following in his footsteps.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Thanks to my love bug

I am sitting in my car while Devin is sleeping, and Brenden is inside going over Math homework with his new math tutor and friend Sophia. My lovely Robbie brought out her lap top so I could have something to do. Is she the BEST or what!!!!!
God can bless us in the funniest way, its amazing.
Quick wonderful story for ya....
Brenden and I had a great God talk before we came over here and I read the first part of Genisis to him, you God created the Earth. He is doing Romans for homeschool social studies and we are finishing up the chapter. His school is doing Greece right now and he has already done that chapter at home. They requested I turn in a report card for him , he is returning full time this Wednesday. I told him lets finish up Romans, he had already read it and done the vocabulary and worksheets, we just had to make a study guide and test. When studying the Romans it also introduces of all wonderful things the start of Christianity. It sparked questions from him today, HALLALUAH! I dont push church on my family, silly I know, but I took them as little ones and I talk to them about it often, but they have to as I feel all have to come to God on their own two feet (or knees) and those should be foot prints, not drag marks in the sand.
So his questions today were wonderful and he is interested in going to church again, I need to get him a good teen bible that is easy to read and understand, so I need some feed back here of anyone that can send me a link, suggestion, referral, help me out kids.
He has bibles but not age appropriate ones, and I dont want to just send him to a teen class, I want him to READ the bible, do a bible study as well as participate in a youth group.
okay, well that is all I got for this moment and hey Robbie, "I LOVE YOU GIRLFRIEND"
smoochie smoochie

Hi Centralia!

Hope you are having a great morning, Who is this?

Good Marnin kids

Pardon alllll the photos, I had more so you are lucky this is all I uploaded, I have an addiction, I think we allllllllllllll know this.....

well this weekend was full and fast.
Friday was going to be kick back and relax, and it was, Brad was late getting home from work, he works tooooo much. We had our usual Friday pizza night. The kids and I had gone to blockbuster and I bought 2 used dvd's, which is funny since we rarely have time to watch a movie, especially if Devin is up and well Devin is always up and when he goes down so does Brad. Well we got to watch one for those movies, "Stepbrothers" and we laaaaaaaughed, we needed too!
My sista called towards the end of the movie they were going out for a bit down the street so I called her back when the movie was done, she was not having fun so i said pick me up and we will make fun, and boy did we, She had a few drinks (she RARELY drinks) and there was an 80's cover band, so we sang every song.
Saturday morning I hit the grocery store to get a roast for dinner and had Brad invite his momma, Brenden ended up puking while I was out, we think too much stress about school and what to do. Then Laura Ken Mike and I had to go to our mom's to do some moving work, that was a 5 hour day I guess. Back home for dinner, yummy and a visit with Eileen which is always wonderful. I brought home some amazing photographs of my mother, I will blog that story later, and a hutch that was hers when she was little and all of us kids played with, she never handed it down to anyone, so we finally took it before it was sent of to a lumber yard, it needs to be stripped of lead paint, my dad says we can help me this spring to do it. Devin is just so excited over it, I will post photos. Laura and I use to play stage coach on it, it was our kitchen set, our office, our school, our bus. You name it we used it for it I am sure.
Sunday I woke and decided I want to start doing family field trips, we dont take weekend camping trips and we run in different directions, and how Brenden has been feeling lately, more reason to do so.
We went to the Magic House and had so much fun, then to Mcdonalds for lunch and play, drove around looking at trucks for Brad, he soooooooooooooo has to get a newer one, you cant drive a crap looking truck while driving around introducing yourself as a body shop manager, just like I cant have a root line and sell hair color.
So the weekend was full, we are planning to go next weekend to a new pizza place in town and maybe a trip to my friends firehouse, I need to email him on that one.
Today, well I have no clue, thought I should get some photos in order to burn for my Dad, he likes when I send him movie dvd's slide shows of the Fam and well I am a bit overdue, I should see if Brads dad would like one too, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Hope all is well and that your weekends were blessed.

the kiddy hutch I grew up playing with
skittle love
tight fit for Big Daddy!!
tea time with mom!
The rest of the Magic house photos now!

PS totally forgot to tell ya, HA, we found this costume and well Brenden and I are all about dress up so I took it for home/Halloween closet and of course Brenden and I had to try it on, check it out, so much fun, Brad and Eileen were quite amused with us as always, we are dorks no need to say it.......

a buckin horse, I was almost thrown off!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

my Life

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