Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Every bit of it is about economics. Every bit of it, without exception. Everything about religion is about economics. Everything about politics is about economics. And everything about economics is personal satisfaction. Everyone is personally motivated to do the best that they can possibly do for themselves

So Monday I became a sales rep under Miss Robbie for Scentsy candles, though they are not candles, they are warmers to fill your home with amazing scents. I am all about smells and love this product, so why not sell something I love. Besides the economics part of it. We can all use a bit more cash flow.
SO I am going for it. I thought the feed back from my excited email would be so phenomenal, everyone wanting to book a party. BLAH, nothing! My sister will after taxes, I totally get that. So I have one future booking. I know I will have more, but I was so high from my sign up, then I went to do hair work and talked to my clients about it. I am still excited, I realllllly do love this product...
I told Brad, he said "what are you giving up to do this?" He thinks I do too much as it is. Well I am for the moment not doing photography so that is a bit of a resting point. I don't have time to study the photography as I need. I got a wonderful flash for Christmas, I don't even know how to use it. My brain is moosh and the thought of studying anything just makes me tired. I read all sorts of things, things of inspiration, blogs, emails, fast notes. But to STUDY, OMG.............
So I figure since I want to make more money, But do enough with hair, and the cost to get all the photography equipment I need and to find time and energy to learn it all. It will have to wait a little bit longer. I think to skip down this avenue and see what awaits me is an exciting idea. You never know what is intended for yourself unless you try.
so my site is www.scentsy.com/smellicious stop in and check out the amazing scents we have to offer, with over 80 I am sure something will temp you. It did me and now I am selling it.....

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