Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Have a wonderful day at school

I am sitting here thinking of what Brenden said before he headed off to his first FULL day of school."have a good first full day back Brenden", "have a good day not being a teacher mom"
(he is so excited to be going back, to get his friends back and his routine back. I think he thought home would be different and well as much as it was different, homeschooling is not easy)
So his comment is sticking with me as well as my response. "Brenden I will always be a teacher even if you are not being homeschooled"
For after he left Devin wanted his school work out and we began to work.

That was not what I meant when I made the statement but I guess it goes along with it. We have so much we want to teach our children everyday, I think I may teach and guide too much at times. Allowing Brenden to figure more out I am thinking would be a real gift to his adult that is to come.
Last night I handed him our zoo summer camp magazine and he brought a really cool class to us. For one day ( sorry 2 1/2 hours) $145 he works one on one with the lion seal trainer, he preps food works with the seals and is even part of one of the shows and is given lunch and a shirt. Well Brad and I decided at that moment, WHY NOT, he doesn't do sports, parents are paying out the ass for so many activities and Brenden only does guitar with his wonderful uncle who doesn't even charge us. We would soooooooooo pay for that experience. Well he found two others, still under $50 and I was like whatever you want to do Brenden you go for it, we will pay for it. I said now I need to know so I can call tomorrow, I mean space is limited, BIG TIME. Well with that he was getting nervous. Brenden likes time, taking it. I on the other hand make fast decisions.
My thought is its limited you want it you better go for it and get it while you can.
So do I call today and book his seal trainer adventure, or do I let him decide later even though it may be too late to book it, IF he decides he wants to do it.
Obviously this is all in the summer months none of it will interfere with school, but like that would bother me if it did. What better way to learn than to get your hands in it.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what to do! Send some advice on what you would do people

my morning funny with Devin
He walks out with my glass of water like he does most mornings. Every night I take a glass of ice water to bed, and usually there is almost a full cup the next morning, its a good habit for me since I am to drink so much of it.
well I typically wont dump the water down the drain. I my plants with it, why waste it right! so obviously my little Devin has been watching me do this. He will come out every so often with my cup of water and say "water tree" and sure enough he goes over and dumps the water in the soil, I would almost swear my ficus sighs a "thank you".

So you always teach your children, intentional or unintentional. Your words and your actions are not lost on them and their little souls. They soak it all up even when You think they are not paying attention. As Eileen (Brad's mom) said one day after Brenden had been staying over at her house "Brenden listens to everything you say, all that you have taught him he is using, his manners, his habits. what you say is not lost on him". It really helped me to know what I was doing, okay the good stuff, was sticking with Brenden and he was taking it out in to the world with him.
Devin is following in his footsteps.

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