Tuesday, February 17, 2009

3 ring Circus

this is my new title, I am going to balance it all. The one thing, okay, one of the things I feel I am not the best I am going to take on.
3 jobs, 3 kids, well really come on. 3 Besties. Seems I could find 3's in anything to be honest witchya.
Well so it keeps me from being on here lately. Thats not all bad.
yesterday I went to Robbies to get some work done. Set up in her office, we were back to back and i have to tell you it was a cool feeling. Feeling like we had soemthing to work on together. Then our kids would come through. I thought I am getting less done here than at home, and getting frustrated with Devin who is content for short periods of time, Even with his friends there to play, still it was a feeling I had during that time of how I was having more fun there in that moment than at home alone being frustrated.
I thrive off of energy and Robbie gives me good energy.
So I was working on my launch letter, which I did end completeing, and got them mailed out attached to a catalog. Really hoping to make an honest go at this Scentsy. I got my shows order yesterday from Robbie and oh I am so in love, one smell after another takes me to a blissful place, I got good feedback from those that came and ordered as well.
Okay I hear Devin, Even though I have been up since 5 with one short 30 minute catch up nap, I am not ready for him to rise just yet. I was hoping to catch up on all my blogging. Maybe later, so much to share in photos and stories....
Much Love till then
Um, Devin just came out with his typical 10 woobies and two binkies saying " I go to Siwer's house" even he loves to hang at Robbies!

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