Monday, February 02, 2009

Good Marnin kids

Pardon alllll the photos, I had more so you are lucky this is all I uploaded, I have an addiction, I think we allllllllllllll know this.....

well this weekend was full and fast.
Friday was going to be kick back and relax, and it was, Brad was late getting home from work, he works tooooo much. We had our usual Friday pizza night. The kids and I had gone to blockbuster and I bought 2 used dvd's, which is funny since we rarely have time to watch a movie, especially if Devin is up and well Devin is always up and when he goes down so does Brad. Well we got to watch one for those movies, "Stepbrothers" and we laaaaaaaughed, we needed too!
My sista called towards the end of the movie they were going out for a bit down the street so I called her back when the movie was done, she was not having fun so i said pick me up and we will make fun, and boy did we, She had a few drinks (she RARELY drinks) and there was an 80's cover band, so we sang every song.
Saturday morning I hit the grocery store to get a roast for dinner and had Brad invite his momma, Brenden ended up puking while I was out, we think too much stress about school and what to do. Then Laura Ken Mike and I had to go to our mom's to do some moving work, that was a 5 hour day I guess. Back home for dinner, yummy and a visit with Eileen which is always wonderful. I brought home some amazing photographs of my mother, I will blog that story later, and a hutch that was hers when she was little and all of us kids played with, she never handed it down to anyone, so we finally took it before it was sent of to a lumber yard, it needs to be stripped of lead paint, my dad says we can help me this spring to do it. Devin is just so excited over it, I will post photos. Laura and I use to play stage coach on it, it was our kitchen set, our office, our school, our bus. You name it we used it for it I am sure.
Sunday I woke and decided I want to start doing family field trips, we dont take weekend camping trips and we run in different directions, and how Brenden has been feeling lately, more reason to do so.
We went to the Magic House and had so much fun, then to Mcdonalds for lunch and play, drove around looking at trucks for Brad, he soooooooooooooo has to get a newer one, you cant drive a crap looking truck while driving around introducing yourself as a body shop manager, just like I cant have a root line and sell hair color.
So the weekend was full, we are planning to go next weekend to a new pizza place in town and maybe a trip to my friends firehouse, I need to email him on that one.
Today, well I have no clue, thought I should get some photos in order to burn for my Dad, he likes when I send him movie dvd's slide shows of the Fam and well I am a bit overdue, I should see if Brads dad would like one too, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Hope all is well and that your weekends were blessed.

the kiddy hutch I grew up playing with
skittle love
tight fit for Big Daddy!!
tea time with mom!
The rest of the Magic house photos now!

PS totally forgot to tell ya, HA, we found this costume and well Brenden and I are all about dress up so I took it for home/Halloween closet and of course Brenden and I had to try it on, check it out, so much fun, Brad and Eileen were quite amused with us as always, we are dorks no need to say it.......

a buckin horse, I was almost thrown off!

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