Monday, February 09, 2009

60's again

so the weather is suppose to be wonderful again today with rain invading us this evening. The rain is needed to wash away the remains of the snow and salt, okay no snow but some dirty streets that could use a shinning.
I have a filthy truck, whats new. But I have an urge NOT to wash it due to the rain that we are suppose to have. It makes it really hard when it has been so nice out and well you want things fresh and clean for the fresh weather.
So Devin and I are hanging out whilst I goof on this here computer for a bit, doing some laundry from time to time. He is content so why rock the boat ya know. I plan to take him to the park, since we can't waste this day totally. Tomorrow they are calling for even nicer weather, with rain yet again come evening. I will take every bit of it. To be honest Spring weather is my favorite next to Fall. I like the change of seasons, but not the allergies that come with it. Ok Devin is in something so I best be on my way, had not typed in some time so I felt I should leave something to scrath and sniff.
Oh the scentsy party I had was wonderful. I wish you all could have been there, Brad was to take Devin out, but I was not about to make him leave when he was enjoying smelling all those wonderful scents, so he hung out with the girls nad picked out some scents. Great job Robbie.

UPDATE, I just walked outside, we are headed out to park and cousin play, well my truck is nice and CLEAN, yea Big Daddy, momma owes you one!!!!

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