Thursday, June 26, 2008


to make an Ass out of u and me
why do we assume things, I know as an adult I will make assumptions so I will not ride my child for his assumptions as if he is some dumb ass, but I will teach him all about assuming things. My mother, if she taught me nothing at all, she did tell me once, dont assume, it makes an ass out of you and me. So that is one thing I did retain and I have taught it to Brenden and one day will break it down for Devin as well.
SO Brenden who woke lazy, he's a kid in the free zone of summer, laid in bed, then ventured to my bed then back to his room I cleaned most of the morning, my wood floors have been sooooo neglected. Then I finally got out to do the grocery shopping that has been waiting since Sunday. Brenden calls to ask if he could go to a friends, fine, he was suppose to fold towels I remembered to late. I arrived home to my garage open, towels still in their basket, Of course this momma will bring it to light immediatly I dont wait for anyone to get home before I chew them out.
I let him know of his mistakes and he will complete them later. When he does come home he has friend in tow, they are going to use both my computers to play an on line game, that is fine right mom, okay fine again, HOURS later they emerge since friend has to go home, but they have a plan, Friend is going to stay the night, well my rules are, this is a toddler house, we are quiet after 9 and we are not to stay up past 12, or I am going to be chewing butts again,this is an ongoing thing when anyone stays, But they say they get it, So now Brenden says his friend will be back in an hour he will be eating dinner, well guess what that was a great assumption, because he is not, I didnt plan for a friend dinner, so after you empty my dishwasher, return my computer and now fold 2 loads of towels, and eat dinner your friend can return.
This is settled, for today I assume?

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