Monday, June 09, 2008

Golf lessons, FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!

Brenden started golf lessons today, as he was eating breakfast I thought he will be the one in jeans and some skull shirt with his hat on side ways. So I went to check him out and he suprised me he had on plaid shorts, so he was going to fit in well. He loves golf and has played a few times with Brad for company games. He has gone to the driving range and loves putt putt. No serious lessons before though. When I picked him up he was smiling and said it was a good day, he was taught the proper way to hold the club. He even found these little frogs, the one he had in his hand was so small it could fit on a dime, so freakin cute.
We left there and went to the walmart to get golf balls, how do you go to golf lessons without balls, oh just ask us since we did it.
While there he starts telling me how he needs a putter, I was like great one more thing to the list of money flying out the door, oh well, I guess its worth seeing the smile on that little boys face right!

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