Monday, June 09, 2008

I'm a big boy trapped in a little body

This morning I dropped Brenden off at his first day of golf camp, so exciting, he loves golf, came home with Mr Devin and we prepared Roast for dinner in the crock pot and started vacuuming floors and I got on the computer (of course) and he disappeared (of course) returning a few moments later, I see I forgot to shut the bathroom door with its child proof handle. He had his daddys hair stuff in his hair, well it almost made it in, it was so cute, so I helped the little man out and we gave him a cool do, Devin loves to imitated Brad, so Devin shaves, puts on deoderant, acts as he is peeing at the toilet and puts hair stuff on. What a little character he is. And to think some days he drives me to pulling my hair or his.

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