Friday, January 30, 2009

Back in the school saddle again, well almost!

so Brenden has announced he is ready to go back to school with bitter sweet tears.
He is torn, but he is missing his social life as simple as it may be.
He feels he is missing so much by not being in school and the activities that THAT includes.
I feel for him, and am not totally sure, yet I will honor and respect his decision and know that it will be for the best. I have not given him my all with the homeschool, mostly because I dont have a ton to give.
He wanted this experience and I gave it to him and that is what was important. For him to feel both sides of the street.
He says he will miss being around us, why I am not sure since we fight toddler battles and whatnot. But Brenden is an emotional being and loves to be close to us.
I have told him he still has that after school and that it is important to be a part of his school environment, I am not looking forward to the peer pressure situations that will arise in the future. I will continue to work on encouraging him to be a strong young man who values his life and taking care of himself, his mind and his body.
So we are praying and hoping that this transition will be good and he will walk in to school, his first full day back with a renewed confidence in himself and how wonderfully intelligent he is. Though we are still waiting on those scores, LOL....
will keep you posted I am sure

Today we went to visit with Robbie along with her wonderful daughter Sophia. Sophia nad Brenden did some tutoring in order to bring him up to speed with what his Math class is doing , Ratios, algebra, some things that were lost on me, its been too long since I have had to figure that sort of math out. I think I have noddles in my head these days, so much I dont even try to get out my photography studies so I can advance my career, fearing I will not be able to retain it AT ALL. Then the fact that Devin has to be watched since he is in to anything and everything ALL the time.
Things in this life will fall in to place as God intends it to and I will trust that.
While I wait I will have my margaritas from time to time, Blog when I need to share something, visit with Devin and I's friends and see that Brenden has all the love and support his little heart needs, make sure Bid Daddy eats at least one meal a day and laughs on the weekends, I have not been so good that the later here lately, But I will work harder.

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