Monday, February 02, 2009

Thanks to my love bug

I am sitting in my car while Devin is sleeping, and Brenden is inside going over Math homework with his new math tutor and friend Sophia. My lovely Robbie brought out her lap top so I could have something to do. Is she the BEST or what!!!!!
God can bless us in the funniest way, its amazing.
Quick wonderful story for ya....
Brenden and I had a great God talk before we came over here and I read the first part of Genisis to him, you God created the Earth. He is doing Romans for homeschool social studies and we are finishing up the chapter. His school is doing Greece right now and he has already done that chapter at home. They requested I turn in a report card for him , he is returning full time this Wednesday. I told him lets finish up Romans, he had already read it and done the vocabulary and worksheets, we just had to make a study guide and test. When studying the Romans it also introduces of all wonderful things the start of Christianity. It sparked questions from him today, HALLALUAH! I dont push church on my family, silly I know, but I took them as little ones and I talk to them about it often, but they have to as I feel all have to come to God on their own two feet (or knees) and those should be foot prints, not drag marks in the sand.
So his questions today were wonderful and he is interested in going to church again, I need to get him a good teen bible that is easy to read and understand, so I need some feed back here of anyone that can send me a link, suggestion, referral, help me out kids.
He has bibles but not age appropriate ones, and I dont want to just send him to a teen class, I want him to READ the bible, do a bible study as well as participate in a youth group.
okay, well that is all I got for this moment and hey Robbie, "I LOVE YOU GIRLFRIEND"
smoochie smoochie


robbieniccum said...

AW you are so funny! I always go to the Family Christian and look at their Teen Bibles....the girls LOVE Their Bibles....
I just scrolled down and saw all your Magic House pictures..HOW FUN! when I just had two kids EONS AGO..we used to havea membership there and we went OFTEN :)
I love you too :) smoochies!

Lisa said...

THanks, I am going to go try to find him one there then, he is maybe interested in attending youth group at your church too, send me that info again will ya.
I love the magic house nad thought about joining, I need to try a class there too, did you do those?
I wonder if they are included in the memership?

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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