Friday, March 13, 2009

morning funny

This child simply cracks me up, I am goofing this morning on the computer, whats new, and I so need to get out of here and find a black table cloth for my Scentsy show tonight. Oh in due time my dear friends, I will be on the road running wild and free. But for now I am laughing at Heavy D, he got out his puff balls/pom poms, you know those fluffy crafty ball things. might I mention HE LOVES TO COOK, so he comes in grabs bowls and spoons, leaves, comes back for bags and paper bags, soon he is back for his muffin tins only to return AGAIN for muffin cups. Soon he is back for his completed project, pom poms in cups in the muffin tin to the oven ,he needs to cook. OF COURSE I took photos, he is now trying to take them in and out of a cold over with his whoobie that acts as his oven mit. I tried to get up to get something by the stove, he said, "SIT SIT, I COOKING"
LOVE THIS CHILD, of course as I am typing this he got out some yankee tarts and said mmmmmmmmmmmm, smell this one! oh yea I still have yankee, love that company too!!!!!

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