Sunday, March 15, 2009

oh the things kids can say

Brad came in dressed and I said where are we going, or you going? His brother is coming over with Gavin to play as I am here in a robe and wet hair I guess I better go get myself prepared. Well Devin I can hear behind me and thinking nothing of it as he opens the door goes outside and rings the door bell. He does this often.
But Brad says "Devin get your naked ass in here" Well he is butt ass nakie. So Devin says " I Fart, I go out and fart" The word fart and Brad usually end up in laughter, he reverts to a child when you say that word, funny stuff. Devin seems to have picked it up somewhere he likes to talk about it from time to time. If you are in going potty he will walk up and stand there "You fart?" No Devin I didnt, did you? "No I not fart"
A bit more info than needs to be shared, but you cant help but to love some of the things that come from these kids mouths.
Brenden told me the other day as Brad was spouting off funny one liners, our Mike Brady impressions that we love to make up one liners too, anyway Brenden says " When you are feeling down, Climb a tree" OMG he has his dads humor, that to me is a blessing.

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