Thursday, March 05, 2009

Where have I been

I am home from work and it was a busy night, I hate when I get that busy. I feel like I rush through all that I have to do, then people come back from the bathroom, is this side a little bit longer, well probably, sit back down. I don't know why it would be I mean I am only squeezing my butt between the counter and this chair in less than conducive light to give you a beautiful haircut. Are my brows even see this little hair here, well sure let me tweeze it, I didn't see that when you were laying your head back in the shadows of this corner. The one thing I hate about doing hair outside of a salon, being rushed and not having the proper setting to do the best job I know I am capable of doing. I have to remind myself to slow down and take the time that each person deserves. But I throw in a freebie and they forgive me, well enough that they call me back for more. Most people I have been doing for years, so I must be doing something they like, and if they leave they do end up coming back at one point or another. So forgive me to all the clients that had a longer side, a missed section in the foiling or a brow that was not as thin as the other.
Tomorrow I have my first "REAL" Scentsy show with my girlfriend Becky next door(the first show I turned in from outside orders I got myself, it was a decent order and it gave me the chance to sit with Robbie and put them in the computer and do that whole process or order, receive and deliver), late this afternoon it took me some time and a babysitting favor from Brenden to get my paper work and supplies ready for it. Devin did not nap today so I was bumming a little bit, well until my prince Brenden saved me.
I had a basket of testers out across the street that I had to get back so my clients tonight could play, they liked a few and I am sure will order in the future, why is it I feel odd to take a second thing for others to hand over their money to me for? They are receiving a service or products from me and its all at a wonderful price, but I feel at times like I am pan handling, LOL at myself.
Soooo tomorrow I have another park play date with my sister in law, my beautiful mother in law needs her hairs did, I need to get a hold of her. I need to hit a store for a rotisserie chicken to use the meat for the buffalo wing dip that Becky asked me to bring to the party. Is that odd, I am working it and bringing a dish. Well I can say that Becky would do it for me so I am truly happy to do it, besides getting to eat it, YUM! I also prefer to buy a cooked chicken and strip it of its meat rather than buy chicken from a can, just doesn't sit well with me in thought. I will eat it like that and its fine, but I am funny about food and feel better knowing its a fresh kill, HA, I mean fresh cooked chicken. Oh and I need to get those testers back to the other neighbor for her gathering she is having with family and friends tomorrow night.
Saturday I am going to Moms to work for a bit and drop postage and postcards to one of my besties Danielle for her upcoming Scentsy party. Then Sunday I am having a Launch party for my new career with Scentsy, a nice way to introduce the product to those I have yet to share all these wonderful scents with. I am so in love with this stuff and love to see peoples reactions to the different scents. Amazing how different we all feel about smells.
Devin and I both have allergies issues right now thanks to this Missouri weather. Brad has it slightly and Brenden started complaining this evening of a scratchy throat. I am going to try Claritin D tomorrow, the regular is just not doing it for us. I really need to get the acupuncture to clear my sensitivity to it all. Whatever it all is that attacks my sinus'.
Well I have been typing long enough, I am pooped from a long day and need to get some rest. I hope to wake early to finish reading "The Shack" you were right Robbie, what a wonderful book. I was doing well reading it, then got busy and have not been able to pick it up in a day and a half. I will make it a point to some how some way finish it tomorrow.
Hope all is well and everyone has a beautiful, blessed Friday.

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

Robbie was here ;p
and I can't wait till you get to the end!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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