Monday, June 30, 2008

I think I am going through puberty Mom

I am sitting here trying to catch up on social internet things, blog, myspace, photo posts, and Brenden announces "Mom, I think I am going through puberty" "why do you say this son", "I am getting hair EVERYWHERE", you can imagine where he says that is, GREAT
so I told him that many feelings will come with no warning, as if attached to each hair that pops through. "Congrates on your ball hair Brenden" this makes him laugh of course!, he just came in to have me see his armpit peach fuzz.
so a secret to share
We have this miracel trick for moods, magnesium
it is a wonderful drug for those of you with mood swinging kids, or for yourself.
so this is something I will not take a photo of to share, well maybe a armpit hair for my own scrap book.

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I just realized that my boys are going to "grow up" someday. OH MY GOSH!!!!!

I will never be able to look at your son the same ; ) heee heee

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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