Tuesday, July 01, 2008


so this is our busy week, Devin will be turning 2 on Thursday and Brenden 12 on Saturday, My boys are so amazing to me and how fast they change and grow. They were great kids today, that was a blessing, since we were so swamped , I worked today and this evening, Brad's mom came out to help when I went out to work, even got to run to the store on my own, thats crazy.
so this week includes so much stuff, Tuesday dogs get haircuts, kids go to grandmas while I work, Brad's nephew has a birthday and party Wed, and I work, Thursday is Devin's zoo outing and bday, Friday is a party here for the foruth with Brad's dad who will be in from Indiana to celebrate allllll the bdays, (Brad's brother Tim is in July too) Saturday we have a friends twins bday party and its BRenden's bday and dinner at Brad's brothers, then Sunday, we may just be working on finishing the basement, and breathing
TODAY, I started working at 12 on clients, and before that Devin and I had breakfast, cleaned the basement from Brad's working down there this weekend and the mess that was left over, that included the patio, it was trashed, so we cleaned it all up, caught up on some pictures for our myspace pages, started laundry, I asked Brenden to help with some salon towels, he brought up my hamper and I started with clients, he came back I don't know how much later with folded towels, I was too busy I sent him to lay them in the office, later I came up stairs and saw dirty salon towels on my bedroom floor, omg, that means hair on my floor, I went back downstairs to ask him not to dump that hamper in my room, it goes straight to the laundry room, I came back up to finish washing the towels and thought I will put the load in the dryer, wait no wet towels, open the dryer and it is the load I did this morning, he didnt wash anything, he dumped the dirty towels and folded them, DORK!!!!!!!!!!!!
so I got the dirty folded towels and got those going, my phone rang off the hook today with clients trying to get in, plans being made for the week, I got a call back from one I placed over the weekend to find out about the laws on electric scooters, well they are illegal, we are getting one for Brenden, it came to me that it would be a great way for him to get around with his friends when traveling long bike rides. Sgt Plum ( I feel like I am playing a game of clue when I say his name, sorry) said we had a great excuse, we will have to deal with it as it comes, if it does, they were not out to target kids on scooters to be honest. But they should not bully us too much if Brenden is responsible, I let him know we ordered him a medical alert wrist band and I told them I would attach info to the scooter, he said that would be fine. Oh for those that dont know I wont get into tooooo much detail, I have a heart condition and now my oldest has been diagnosed with the same condition, you can learn more by going to www.4hcm.org , too much to type right now, but this scooter would be soooo wonderful for him to have, he is excited at the thought of this. Shoot who wouldnt be.
So a busy week ahead, either I am bored out of my mind and depressed, or flying around like a chicken. I feel like now i am talking in circles, I'm pooped......

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

so why do they sell scooters if they are illegal? Where can they be used and who can use them?

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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