Sunday, November 30, 2008

oh so tired, gotta keep going though

I have been super duper busy kids. Wonderful and tiresome
Turkey day we hosted Brad's family here. We had so much food and a good time even Santa stopped in for a visit. I will have to post some photos, once I get around to them. I got all other photography work done, edited and out the door in time for Brenden to start work at home and me to get back to hair clients, get that caught up for Thanksgiving and once that is done I am back to photography work, WOW!!!!
so things are going good, calls are coming in from referrals, but I am running out of weather so I have been researching portrait equipment, which means I need to sell off my old equipment, film camera and accessories. It makes me sad but its time to move on, I want Brenden to learn on digital so why am I holding on to it, oh yea because there is nothing like a film camera.
But I am learning so much faster on digital, the improvements I have made thus far, so much faster than I ever did on film.
So a couple pics from this weekend, others are on smugmug. I have not edited them yet, and they need to well some of them, the lighting was almost non existent yesterday and I like bright photographs so I know I will boost them up. There was one I added an effect to with the little girls, they were so dang cute and so fun to photograph, cant wait to play with other photos.
all is well, busy day ahead, one photo session cancellation due to snow and the other I think is wanting to brave it,though I may not want to, I know I have to go up and down a huge hill, with equipment in the snow maybe not a good idea to me. I also have hair clients at 6p, so I better keep a movin!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Brenden's photography assignment

Todays assignment for Art was to photograph 5 textures, here is what he came up with, personally I was impressed. I thought he should start learning photography now, he has already taken a class, that was with a non digital camera and he did really well in it. So I decided he can photograph with different subjects, track his data and put it all together in a project for an art grade with the homeschooling we are doing. We started a file for him on the computer and I have shown him how to hook up the camera and transfer work into his file. Step 2 is how to go back and track down the detailed information about his photos.
After this is done I have a bigger project for him with photography, one that he can sell and profit from. He is excited to get started on it, when its ready we will be advertising his work on my site at smug mug.
fir tree
fire pit lid
Ernie's fur, wont tell you where its located


Sunday, November 23, 2008


WOW, Life in the short time I have been off of here has been super busy.
Brenden starts part time homeschooling tomorrow, for one month. I am ready with Math but not Social Studies, we will pick him up at 9:30 am after our parents as teachers lady leaves from her visit with Devin. Stop by the library for our reading book.
Then home to start schools homework, reading, music or art project, Devin naps and we will begin our studies till he wakes. I changed my work schedule and so far its going to work out fine. I am working Sundays and Mondays, filling in a late night from time to time. I think it will be good, this weekend I had to do Saturday instead since my family held its Thanksgiving tonight.
I had two photo shoots Saturday morning that went well, except for the dang cold and I see my lens that I end up grabbing every time is a bit out of focus on one side, whats that all about, so I have to fix that, I really need a new one but $$$$$$$.
All in time right! I then had hair appointments, thank goodness I took my shears and not the camera, Brad called, poor guy, saying " you forgot your camera" No I didn't this is for hair now dear, but thank you so much for being on top of it!
I had to return home to get photos going so I was not trying to start my week with Brenden knowing I had over 200 shots to get through. I also had to cook for Sunday. Two pumpkin pies, a strawberry jello pretzel dessert, homemade stuffing that you prep the day before to dry out bread crumbs, so yummy, and then my sister and two nieces came for haircuts, so I think I ran my butt off till 12 last night, then up and doing photo work again to find my free web page has a limit that I exceeded fast so I upgraded to a new site and decided to join thanks to Jodie's referral and I am hoping it will work out well. I have lots to learn about it. Just add it to my list of things to do!
I finished my stuffing with Brad's help, green bean casserole and an apple pie.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving today at my sisters. TOOOO MUCH FOOD, but it was so so so good. The Kids exchanged names for their cousin gift swap. Excited to get their lists updated.
We have many things to be thankful for this year, my list keeps growing and I am sure I will post it here at some point.
We will hold Thanksgiving at our home for the Risenhoover family on Thursday and are hopeful to get our Christmas decorations started on Saturday. I have more photos to shoot Sunday, I wonder if anyone invented a portable heating blanket yet?
my list of things to get
new lens
Flash, how can I NOT have a flash
lights for indoor photos
tripod stick (that is one leg instead of 3) easy carry
wide angle lens or 50mm lens
assistant (Brenden will do just fine)
camera case on wheels

Oh the list is on Amazon and its big, but I am thankful for the ability to have a hobby I love and get to share with others, I am learning so much and I know my future is bright.

Oh one more thing
The new photo site
Jodie I put your email in, if I did it right you should get some brownie points I guess!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

signing off

In the love I have for being on my computer and having my friends I am feeling a bit over loaded and need some time to reorganize my life, my kids, my job, my house, my computer, my future.
I am going to check out for a bit for restructuring and hope to come back to you feeling refreshed and renewed. I may not return and journal in my own private manner, since most of this I do to print and place in a book for my children so as they reflect on me and our time together they can say hey she was crazy and she knew it or she yelled but she had reasons that I can understand now, or she was always on that computer but now I know what she was doing.
So have beautiful days and sleepfull nights. May God continue to watch over you and bless you and know that from time to time I will sneak in for a peek at what you are doing, you can always drop me an email as well.
Love hope and peace

Friday, November 14, 2008

obsession #50

I am not really counting, but Devin has certains things he gets obsessed over, recently it had been his wallet, right now its his portable dvd player, he has to touch buttons and change out dvd's which I made copies so he could mess them up and I would not have a serious BF on him.
He is such a goof!

a beautiful sunset

our day ended with a touch or beauty from God,
on a dark and ugly day , a day full of feeling sad and confussed, God can still show the beautiful things in this world that make us breath some peace

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Uncle Joe

I have these cousins, but we were raised calling them Aunts and Uncles since my mom was an only child and not close to her step siblings. My grandma and her brother Richard bought attached cabins (a duplex) with the stone fronts like you would see all over the Ozarks, and we spent our summer vacations there. As the years past they built on to the place and our families filled it with laughter and tears, card games and water balloon fights. Fireworks on fourth of July and sunburns like I have not had since. The uncles left at the crack of dawn to fish, coming back in time for breakfast, and the grandpas were grilling for dinner by 4p and the gang would be playing cards by 7p. The cousins we would be playing cards for pretzels or running between the two cabins.
Memories of the time the tornado came through and we all hid in the bathrooms and much time spent fishing of the dock walkway catching sunfish with cheese and hotdogs.
That old place was sold in 1992, everyone so busy getting their lives going, now we wish we had that place again for our kids to spend summers at!
Our Uncle Joe and Aunt Laura have one son, Joseph .
Aunt Linda and Uncle Jim have two children Jimmy and Sara, Uncle Russell did not have children and then my mom has us four kids.
There is nothing like a wonderful childhood memory that consists of annual summer vacations, weekend get aways that seemed to last forever.
We would see family for Thanksgiving and Christmas in January. Always that feeling of THERE IS NOTHING LIKE FAMILY TO FILL THE HEART!
In my youth uncle Joe found out he had kidney failure and after many years of battle he was able to overcome with a kidney transplant, being a child then I don't remember all those details just that sometimes he looked jaundice and other times really thin.
But he improved and we saw him for weddings and graduation's, the occasional funeral as the elders of this family had moved on to walk with God.
Two years ago Aunt Linda lost Uncle Jim to a brain tumor and it so saddened all of us. We knew he was at peace, you could feel it from his family. Then to see all those that loved him at his memorial service, it was amazingly wonderful.
Now with my step dad so very ill we have had our hearts heavy. The other day I got an email that my great Aunt June (Laura, Linda and Russell's mom) was taken to the hospital but was back home and ok. They were waiting for tests to tell them why she was weak and having heart beat issues. Then this evening, Brad walked in the bedroom and said, with cell phone in hand, "Sara called" in this 2 second pause I am thinking Aunt June died OMG, but instead he states "Uncle Joe died" I sat straight up,
Uncle Joe passed this evening, they believe he fell off the roof! Aunt Laura had not seen him in the house in some time and went out to look for him and found him in the yard. The ambulance came and they were unsuccessful in giving him life. God had already taken him home.

I am so sad to hear this news and at the same time I know he is with God I hope he knows he is with God, and I am knowing that these two sisters are coming together and Linda will know how to help Laura through this horrific event and they together can lean on one another.
I am so sad
I wish there was something I could do.
I will wait to hear the news of what is next to come, Again I am quiting smoking, I pick the best times!!!!!! But who cares right, A wife lost her husband, a son lost his father, future grandchildren will never know there Grandpa. But God wins one more of his sons, welcoming him home with open arms.
I am so sad!
so these memories are filling my head and I am smiling, and sad, happy, and sad
mourning a loss in our family and know that it will not be the last, and hoping it is not the first of many to come close together.
such an awful thought and feeling, I was just thinking today that we are all getting older and soon we will be the oldest in our families, that our older generation is becoming us, scary huh!!!
so as Brad said, live today as if it were your last, don't be angry. You never know what God has planned for any of us, that fast and we can be gone! What memory do you leave behind?

Big Boy

Devin has been just amazing me, he is wearing underwear this week, no accidents.
He has pull ups too that he wears and likes, they have the cars character on them. Yesterday he woke and wanted to go potty. While he was doing that Brenden commented and Devin saw on his underwear a poo mark with this he refused to wear them again and said " I wear cars". So funny.
He has also been sleeping in his big boy bed, two naps and two nights, WOW!!!!
It amazes me so because he is sooooooooooo different from Brenden who slept in our bed and snuggled for ever. Even to this day Brenden will snuggle on up with us,all 100 lbs of him and Devin gives a hug a kiss and he is gone.... (ok so he says high five, up high and knuckles, then he is off)
How 2 kids could be so different, but both just as precious as they come.
Today we had the dr, well I did, another monitor to wear for 24 hours, Devin was making his mark as he sat up in a chair got out a snack and ate them then went to go potty, washed his hands sat back down and opened up a magazine, they all thought he was much older, we get that alot. He loves to say goodbye, to everyone and EVERYTHING
we drive down the street, goodbye trees, bye house, bye car, bye whatever he sees. He is such a crack up, when at the park, say lets go Devin he says ok, "BYE PARK!"
this is my new favorite act of his
He got to go see his cousins today after the dr appointment , Gavin, Peyton, and Addison are all doing well. We stopped at the meat market where he got out his shopping cart and loaded up items for the next two nights dinner, okay so got a piece of cherry pie to share after lunch too. We like pie!!!!! Then we picked up the dogs from the groomers ( its at a puppy farm, not sure how long I can keep going there, so sad all those pups in the cages, and the smell, well it is not delightful thats for sure.
so I am ready for lunch and a nap, the last week or so is finally catching up to me and I am feeling sleepy, hope all is well......

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

with all my free time

I am going to start writing down the little funnies Devin and Brenden crack me/us up with everyday, there are plenty and not that I will get them all down or could ever truly express what they do in words, since usually it is HOW they do something that is so dang funny, thanks to Robbie and her random postings.
So lets start yesterday Devin says after he sneezes "Bless me mom!" not a question your you need to say it, it was more like he was saying Bless me!
ok Robbie is on the phone gotta go!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

How long was this weekend

boy it feels like it went on for days, I am not so sure it was only Saturday and Sunday to be honest with you
Friday night I was soooooooooo tired and so bad wanted to fall out at 1 in the afternoon but my friend came over and we colored and cut her hair, then I had her two boys come back after they were out of school.
I was to go to my love Robbies and she called pooped out too, so I was ready to crash for the night, well I still had to get dinner and Brenden who was being 12 (annoying me) and I was not digging him, but that is ok.
We went got dinner, my sister tired too, wanted to go listen to the dad of one of her daycare kids, he plays in a band, so we pulled ourselves out of bed and went to the bar just outside my subdivision to listen, they turned out to be pretty good. We hung out and had fun for a couple of hours. Saturday I was to shoot to photography appointments and it was cooooooooooooold outside, I was freezing. So the photos sessions were fast fast fast. I didnt like that part since I am flying through what i am suppose to be learning. Well we got the first appointment done with little down time in between to warm up, session two started, that was a bit better since I was already frozen, HA.
I finished with them and headed home to prepare for an anniversary party, My aunt and uncle have been married for 40 years. This is family that we don't get to see much these days and let me tell you how wonderful it was to be with them all. Of course I got tons of photos and plan to make a DVD for them this week. Brenden and his cousins decided to have a sleepover at my house so we brought 3 extra rug rats home with us (Shannon was hunting with her daddy)
oh I didn't mention, Saturday I had some issues with my neck and shoulders, they were killllling me, Brad tried to rub them out but oh goodness, too many days of letting them be in bad shape he was not able to fix anything about them.
so we woke and got the kids fed and I called for a massage appointment worked on the computer and photos till it was time to go, after my WONDERFUL massage, and I have to go again next weekend I am in such horrible shape, DARN RIGHT! I KNOW!!!!
I headed to the grocery store and meat market, then home where I had groceries carried in for me, that was crazy now I see why some have so many kids, LOL
We ate and I headed back to the computer, my neighbor then came for a haircut and within an hour I was running out hte door with camera, shoes, sweatshirt and keys to photograph another group. Well I stopped at the store, AGAIN, to pick up some of what I forgot, came home, cooked dinner and back to the darn computer I went. YUP I am still here, but while all my photos are uploading I grabbed the lap top so I could multi task!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am pooped out just typing my weekend. So you see it was crazy busy. Brad spent some wonderful time with the kids, he has been so great with them lately, really enjoying his time with them, oh Saturday morning I went for a pedicure and he took the kids to work so they could fix a post on the fence, he said it was a nice time with them. So I better get back to my work, I am glad I was able to ramble to you all, Hope all is well kids. Life is going to get super busy soon so I better get this typing in while I can, the blogs may be few and long, bare with me!!!!!!!!!
Tah Tah for now
oh you have to check out my photos I am uploading them now to my website.

Friday, November 07, 2008

my dear Shakespeare, the answer is To Homeschool

On November 21, Brenden will end his last full day of school. For one half of a quarter I will be homeschooling him for Math, Social Studies, Music/Art/Home Economics and Reading. We are not calling everyone to tell them since feedback on a subject such as this is not always with support.
Brenden will rise in morning as he always does, ride the bus and attend his first two classes, Science and Communication Arts (ie English)then I will bring him home to finish out "School work" then we will begin our time at home.
So a few people know and well this is my soap box and therefore felt I will lay it out, my argument one last time then I will say no more in response to any one that wants to question "What in the world do you think you are doing" since first off it is not a single persons business, but since I make things other people's business and not just by this blog that any one can read, but that I am an open person, I am an honest person and I am a thinking person who is willing to see through the outside and find the center, the core of what things are, who people are and why situations are as they are. BUT This is about Brenden, so my new response if you don't agree, or are worried for my son
"Thank Goodness its not your child"
"I hope you would do the same , to stand up for your child and their future"
"All your worries and questions I can answer in a month"
That is done
Brenden has struggled in school for a LONG time, not that he has any learning disabilities, he has been tested, 2nd grade actually after they taught the kids to look at the photos of books they are reading to figure out what is going on if they are stuck, why would you do this, you teach them to look away from what they are reading, anyway he does this then he loses his spot so then he would stall when reading, so they said he cant read, they test him and send him to reading class that they said he really didn't need but why not get the extra help since its there. What!
whatever that's fine. It was more of a one on one in the reading class and he likes one on one.
Then he was able to take a reading program for free in the summer at school and I am all for that kind of thing so he did it and liked it, small personal setting.
I think I am on to something here, Brenden loves more personal situations, he is sensitive to groups and ruckus. This is the beginning of the present situation at hand, no I am sorry it really was kindergarten because he got a bad mark for refusing to sit criss cross applesauce, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now I know, it politically correct way to say sit Indian Style, ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS, what is going on with this world.......... so fine, I was so pissed.
But this was the beginning of proving to me that if Brenden did not conform to the school that was contradicting anyway than we would have issues and we did, still do.
Brenden does not focus well, let me tell you its like looking in the mirror. Brenden is so me its glorious. I say this now since I know its a beautiful thing to be who you are and not a failure, get a bad mark, or this is your negative trait................
So we focus less than others, we are more creative in how we wish to present things, we have times of energy and creativity and times of we want to veg out in quiet time or even take a nap.
We have glimpses of depression, weather plays a role on our attitude (Andrews trait) and we can shut down with others are lecturing.
I, We have tried all that you can try to get a child motivate in school and about school, but Brenden is about what Brenden can do at the time that it is asked, if he is interested he is an A/B student the rest of the time he can do enough to get by or he just checks out. Teacher response just from this year that repeats what has been said about him his entire school career is as follows
these responses coming from teachers at teacher conference after meeting with them beginning of school and telling them what will take place with Brenden in their class and letting them know, I have grounded, removed all items of entertainment, kicked and screamed, lost my damn mind livid mad at this kid and there is nothing more I can do , he will not be MADE to do what he is not motivated to do, and I don't know how to motivate him.
Who is Brenden
Brenden loves to help, and be a leader to little ones, he is a watcher and not a creator of trouble, he loves to hug and love, sensitive as they come, he will not put much effort in if he is not interested in how it is being asked of him, as in you want it this way and he is not feeling it then you will get little effort and I don't know how to change that to be honest, therapists have yet to answer or suggest a new way to do something, I have already done what they say, but they do say he is capable. He will work best when I am right on top of what he is doing and you will notice when I have to work or am busy and unable to assist in school organization, its pretty obvious in his effort, unless he is interested in what you are doing then he will motivate himself. Brenden is in the eyes of his teachers " Stubborn sweet" He is not perfect he is 12 he does get in to trouble, he can have an attitude, he has learned again from the best and he will argue till the cows come home like his dad if he knows he is right!
So we go in to conference and its as if they have not emailed back and forth with me, met me, or heard my yearly shpeall on this kid, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I should act like the dumb parent that is not involved and doesn't care I guess! yea I tried that and it is not me, I give a crap and cant let this child fail, it is not going to happen, my childhood was a failure and I will not repeat what was done to me.
ok back to the teacher reports where he had F's at the beginning
Com arts "C" Brenden is doing better but he is having difficulty with assignment completion
Social Studies "C" Brenden is a great student however he does not always complete work to our standards and expectations of someone with his potential
Math "F" the grades have improved but Brenden is capable of better, he is a pleasant smart child with much potential, he does not put effort in to taking notes and completing homework
Science "B" Grades are good, but Brenden is tired in the mornings this is his first hour some times he puts little effort in to his work , he writes what he knows instead of going to his notes to add more to the answers. Brenden has a great sense of humor and we respond well to one another, he is very friendly

Same thing every year. so I have been being asked since 3rd grade by him to be homeschooled
We feel we have had our last teacher conference to be told the same freakin thing. I have agreed to home school
I'm nuts, this is a lot of work, for both of us, and with Devin......
But I will do what it takes to see Brenden live up to his "potential"
School will do nothing more to help him with his work, they suggest private tutoring, well since I am rich this can be done, NOT.
and lets add more work on to him.

Here is my deal, I want Brenden to have freedom to be creative in his learning and expressing what he has learned, I don't care how you turn it in, just respond with what you learned in this area and I will give you a grade, not deducting points for using tape instead of glue, or not coloring something in enough, or not wanting to write a 700 page essay when you have a computer there to type it out.
removing some distraction of the classroom from him that he says makes it hard to concentrate on what is at hand, trust me little things distract Brenden but I want to have some time to see what the issues could be truly,
Is he lazy
ADD that needs meds, of course I will not give them since I don't believe in medication for this in children.
I don't have all the answers but as his mother and a person that cares about her children and their future being bright, confident, productive I will do what I have to do to support Brenden in learning.
I want him to come home and learn what self motivation is, what is it to have confidence, what is it to be free to be who you are and how you express that to the world, that you should be proud of the work you do and so much more
So the point is I want Brenden to be Brenden and be proud of that, not be a disappointment and have others say "he is so incredibly smart but he does not do enough, his grades prove it" what about Bringing all F's besides Math up to C's and B's? that is a HUGE to me, but they don't see that, they want MORE
well they will get it, from home.
For one month I will have Brenden work part time from home and see what we can do with grades, the difference is if it is not done completely or correctly he will have the chance to do it again. This will show that you will do it till its right, but with more freedom, you want to type an essay and use some silly fun font, go for it, to the best of your ability and you will be graded on that. I am beting his ablitiy will increase, his effort will increase, his love for learning will increase.
If you do math and I find the first 3 wrong I will stop grading and you will be taught it again and you will correct the answers and then I will grade it. THEN we will move on to the next chapter, he will not be left behind.
No late work, no I forgot it at home, no I didn't have time, I didn't understand.
Remove all those obstacles and see what Brenden is really made of.

I have told them, I appreciate what they are doing and how they do care for my child and I am here to help and do anything I can. The school councilor who has been such a great help to us the past two years is assisting us in a part time student program, this will keep Brenden's foot in the door at school some time with friends and contact with resources.
He picked two classes to keep there and the councilor agreed with them too.
I will meet her again in a month to show all work and a report card and we will know then if it is working thus far of not.
They are letting us keep all the school books so we can keep up with what school is doing, this is good in case he decides to go back to school full time.
anyway I have talked waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long, I have to go, and I feel better I said all this one last time, today we are off to the teacher store for planners and grade books and who know what else I will find, Devin is ready to hurt me for typing too long, TAH TAH for now!
I need a ladder to get down off this soap box, wow its high up here, but my kids do that to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

How many do you really need?

My kids crack me up, and often.
Devin found a collection of binki's well it was like the lottery to his little mind I am sure, so he brought them all out and tasted them all, then even took them for a spin through the house. Oh the little things in life that can bring such pleasure, I wish we as adults were so easily pleased.

3900 Marbles

I know of a few that need to read this and maybe we should all remember this, Robbie sent this to me and I keep it on file now, I found it to be so important and a blessing for those days that I am frustrated with all that life is giving me. To remember that life is giving me life, time with my husband who I adore so much, my children that I will do anything for, I love them all with so much that it hurts sometimes.
My family and friends mean the world and this puts the hard time back in to perspective.
The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Perhaps it's the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work. Either way, the first few hours of a Saturday morning are most enjoyable.

A few weeks ago, I was shuffling toward the garage with a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other. What began as a typical Saturday morning turned into one of those lessons that life seems to hand you from time to time.
Let me tell you about it.
I turned the dial up into the phone portion of the band on my ham radio in order to listen to a Saturday morning swap net. Along the way,I came across an older sounding chap, with a tremendous signal and a golden voice. You know the kind, he sounded like he should be in the broadcasting business He was telling whomever he was talking with something about 'a thousand marbles.' I was intrigued and stopped to listen to what he had to say.
'Well, Tom, it sure sounds like you're busy with your job. I'm sure they pay you well but it's a shame you have to be away from home and your family so much. Hard to believe a young fellow should have to w ork sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet. It's too bad you missed your daughter's dance recital' he continued. 'Let me tell you something that has helped me keep my own priorities.' And that's when he began to explain his theory of a 'thousand marbles.'
'You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The average person lives about seventy-five years. I know, some live more and some live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years.'
'Now then, I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3900, which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime. Now, stick with me, Tom, I'm getting to the important part. It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think about all this in any detail', he went on, 'and by that time I had lived through over twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got to thinking that if I lived to be seventy-five, I only had about a thousand of them left to enjoy. So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I ended up having to visit three toy stores to round up 1000 marbles. I took them home and put them inside a large, clear plastic container right here in the shack next to my gear.'
'Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away. I found that by watching the marbles diminish, I focused more on the really important things in life.'
'There is nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out to help get your priorities straight.'
'Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign-off with you and take my lovely wife out for breakfast. This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure that if I make it until next Saturday then I have been given a little extra time. And the one thing we can all use is a little more time.'
'It was nice to meet you Tom, I hope you spend more time with your family, and I hope to meet you again here on the band. This is a 75 Year old Man, K9NZQ, clear and going QRT, good morning!'
You could have heard a pin drop on the band when this fellow signed off. I guess he gave us all a lot to think about. I had planned to work on the antenna that morning, and then I was going to meet up with a few hams to work on the next club newsletter.
Instead, I went upstairs and woke my wife up with a kiss. 'C'mon honey, I'm taking you and the kids to breakfast.' 'What brought this on' she asked with a smile.' 'Oh, nothing special, it's just been a long time since we spent a Saturday together with the kids. And hey, can we stop at a toy store while we're out? I need to buy some marbles.'

And so, as one smart bear once said...'If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.' - Winnie the Pooh.

99 Balloons

please view this, it is truly amazing, you can pause my playlist at the bottom of this page! Peace and blessings and know that every day is a gift from above......

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes we Can!

Yesterday was an amazing day, one that we should all be proud of.

I feel like we were all standing at the front door of something amazing, one knock and that door opened, the pride and confidence that the Obama family has. To know they are a part of something amazing in the making, this man and the team he will put together will bring this country to great heights and we will not fear it, we will be proud and strong and feel our nations pride again, UNITED is right Obama, right on!!! This is not about him being a black man, it is about him have a love, faith, belief that this country can do amazing things, and changes can be made. McCain was wonderful in his speech last night, kudos to him, maybe it was finally one he wrote instead of the person that told him to be on the defense and attack when he can.Obama took a stand to not offend, not to bring others down but to be honest, be hopeful and believe in better things for us all as one. He is a hero and I pray for him and the future we have ahead , one that is so bright! I know it important that we have a minority President to break the mold of what this nation has been haunted by for so many years, but more important that we have a free thinking, open minded man to lead this country. A man that I feel truly represents what this nation is and that is one of many that can come together and be united under one flag.

We need a fresh start, fresh ideas. This country will not be fixed over night, we as individuals don't fix our own problems over night, so I would hope no one would think this man or his party can fix a billion families and problems in one step. But he wants to do it together and with listening ears and understanding. He makes me feel that I could sit with him and feel peaceful, that he could help me to calm down and have a better understanding. There is a peace and father love to him. He has such respect for those around him, I just cant say enough how I feel that this man is on to do wonderful things for our country.

Feel pride in our country, even if you did not vote for Obama know that he is doing this for all of us.

Pray for him, pray for our nation, God is in charge of all of this, THIS is what was suppose to be.

Queens park

(as Brenden kept calling it) this is what we visited on Saturday evening, Big Daddy's idea.
A park he use to visit as a kid and yea for him for spending so much kid time/play time with the family. I think it has been so good for him to get out play and have no worries, let his little guy in him get out. Too much serious boss man these days. So Saturday afternoon he states that he was going to take us to Queeny Park to play so we hopped in the car and off we went, not totally sure what road it was off of. I suggested a road that I thought could be it and we turned on it (a very short distancelater) Brad felt it was wrong so we turned around and traveled further to a road we felt could be what he described, and we found the entrance. If you know Brad and I well, than you know we don't do trips on a moments notice without some sort of happenings that is humorous. So we enter and there is a truck blocking the road or entrance to the park and a sign that says hayride parking, and to the left at the Dog Museum there is a benefit of some sort going on and a ton of cars. First of Brenden wants to know why there is a museum for dogs, Brad wants to know if there are stuffed poodles in there.......
so I told Brad that he should ask the guy in the truck "blocking" the road in, how to get in the park. It is still day light and we should be able to play. So picture it, we drive up next to the guy in the truck who is eating his McDonalds apple pie and Brad says, excuse me " How do I get in to the park?' (the man is black so he has a bit of slang tone to his speech) He looks around and says "You at da Pawk" We about fell out of the truck, "we said we know we are at the Park how do we get IN the park you have it blocked!
well turns out we had to back to the original road I told Brad to go down, if we would have stayed another block on that route we would have been there but we chuck it up to that is how we do things and we had the best time replaying and of course adding to our conversation with the park maintenance guy, we thought about finding him from the playground side and asking him how to get out of the Pawk!
Here are some photos of our time, Such a great idea Daddy, afterwards we stopped at Chick Fil A to eat since Devin was not ready to leave Queeny Park. The restaraunt has indoor play ground there. Well everyone and their Aunt was there to eat so we ate outside and went in with Devin to play a few times till rumor started someone was sick in the tunnels, well this play area is realllllly small so I thought they will find it fast, well no one ever left it so I think it was just a national enquiror thing, a kid finding a way to get the play area all to his or herself!

Monday, November 03, 2008

to Homeschool or not to Homeschool that is the question

well you got me allllllll stirred up miss Roberta, dear love of mine.
I am in huge debates over homeschooling. I have been considering it for some time now and it is once again knocking on my freaking door.
So I am peeking through the peep whole.
I had some good talks today and one with a client who home schooled and she did encourage as Robbie has that Brenden could really benefit from it, He has requested this change so it would be no sad day for him.
I have many things that are for it and a few against it, that is thoughts not people. I am sure I would have enough people to down my idea like a sinking boat. I want lifesavers, those that can see why I want to do this for my son. I had one conversation with someone that has listened to me over the years talk about Brenden and his struggles and as i was saying what I wanted to do she was talking more about negative aspects of school and making me feel more reasons to do what I think I should do and yet questioning what Brenden was going to get out of it.
He needs to learn self motivation and drive, ambition, confidence, to focus. The suggestion was if I take him from the environment than I remove his ability to learn to deal with that environment which interrupts him. My suggestion was that his brother could be his new distraction to over come.
He has social skills. He will have to learn self motivation since it will be up to him to do the work.
He will have more freedom to express his work in his way. He can be creative on his terms, is it not the point to learn it and not how you learned it. If he fails at a subject in school and they move on does that not leave him behind? If he fails at home than don't we have the freedom to stop and do it over and find a way to make sense out of a confusing subject until he does understand it? Is that not what learning is. It was stated today that school is to teach you how to take tests. I have to agree it is not what did you learn and how did you learn it but here it is and in one week we will take a test to see what you memorized and if you didn't than too bad for you huh? I want him to learn a chapter study it even go do all the work his way to prepare to teach it to me and then we can move forward. Also a thought, I pull him from an environment where he struggles to focus and is not askign questions or speaking up whe he doesnt get it, why is that, I dont know. Will he state it at home who knows, Well i will since it is one on one. Does this teach him that every employeer will bow down to his needs, No but it does mean that he will find a job that is best suited for him and that probably means a job that he wont dispise to go to everyday, it may even be a job he creates for himself, one that he can customize to his way of doing things and is it not more important to teach our kids to enjoy and love themselves and the productive lives they live?
Do we let our kids just drown, flounder in school, push them through so they can get in to life and realize that it is all about get what you get and run past what you don't and hope no one will notice or is it about taking the time to stop and not only smell the roses but pay attention to the color and breed they are, well I guess if you care it is!
I have so many thoughts in my brain I don't know what to do. I want to see my child learn to walk about with a feeling of achievement and not failure or average.
I stated straight A's will be the must for this to stay in place, but that is totally going to happen since I will not accept anything less, if less is turned in it will be redone, A means you get it, B means you missed a few details, C you heard half of what was being presented, D you didn't feel it and F well you were not even there for it.
Do the work, and you get an A. I love when my child does an assignment and is graded on how he cuts the paper or glues something together. Whatever. School has stopped caring about the kids and care more about appearances. I am waiting on God, if he thinks I need to keep assisting Brenden where he is, then obviously that is what I will do. If I am to support him in Home school than that is what I will do, I am a mother, it is my job I will figure it all out and I will be strong for him. My life may be put on hold, but this is for my child. i wish once someone would have given me one of the talks, hugs, motivation, support, confidence, wish, hope, dream that I give to my child. I am not perfect, but I am willing to do what it takes to see this child succeed to his fullest potential.
So much more to say but I think for now I will let it rest, may be I will put pros and cons here later for weighing.

Saturday, November 01, 2008


This is how we started Halloween week, Devin killed my cat!
Brad and our neighbor friends at the start of the kids court party!!

cousin Gavin

Neighbors have web fun!
Brenden laughing with a friend (Brandon) playing the spiderweb game Playing an eyeball toss game

He's so barkin cute!

walking with Auntie Jen (neighbor) to get a Carmel apple

Mummy and puppy dog Devin

I lost my dog, Butt I did find him in the end!
Serving Dracula's favorite, Blood punch, with a few ice cubes that had a tasty fly in the middle
Some pumpkin carving before we started our kid court party(this is obviously out of order)
annual decorations , the haunted house
decorated front yard, we have the smoke machine and scary music too! Next year Brenden wants to do a haunted garage, I told him he can use all my yard props and we can make a few more things I am sure! All the kids are looking forward to a longer kid court Halloween party next year since it will be on Saturday!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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