Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Queens park

(as Brenden kept calling it) this is what we visited on Saturday evening, Big Daddy's idea.
A park he use to visit as a kid and yea for him for spending so much kid time/play time with the family. I think it has been so good for him to get out play and have no worries, let his little guy in him get out. Too much serious boss man these days. So Saturday afternoon he states that he was going to take us to Queeny Park to play so we hopped in the car and off we went, not totally sure what road it was off of. I suggested a road that I thought could be it and we turned on it (a very short distancelater) Brad felt it was wrong so we turned around and traveled further to a road we felt could be what he described, and we found the entrance. If you know Brad and I well, than you know we don't do trips on a moments notice without some sort of happenings that is humorous. So we enter and there is a truck blocking the road or entrance to the park and a sign that says hayride parking, and to the left at the Dog Museum there is a benefit of some sort going on and a ton of cars. First of Brenden wants to know why there is a museum for dogs, Brad wants to know if there are stuffed poodles in there.......
so I told Brad that he should ask the guy in the truck "blocking" the road in, how to get in the park. It is still day light and we should be able to play. So picture it, we drive up next to the guy in the truck who is eating his McDonalds apple pie and Brad says, excuse me " How do I get in to the park?' (the man is black so he has a bit of slang tone to his speech) He looks around and says "You at da Pawk" We about fell out of the truck, "we said we know we are at the Park how do we get IN the park you have it blocked!
well turns out we had to back to the original road I told Brad to go down, if we would have stayed another block on that route we would have been there but we chuck it up to that is how we do things and we had the best time replaying and of course adding to our conversation with the park maintenance guy, we thought about finding him from the playground side and asking him how to get out of the Pawk!
Here are some photos of our time, Such a great idea Daddy, afterwards we stopped at Chick Fil A to eat since Devin was not ready to leave Queeny Park. The restaraunt has indoor play ground there. Well everyone and their Aunt was there to eat so we ate outside and went in with Devin to play a few times till rumor started someone was sick in the tunnels, well this play area is realllllly small so I thought they will find it fast, well no one ever left it so I think it was just a national enquiror thing, a kid finding a way to get the play area all to his or herself!

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