Friday, November 07, 2008

my dear Shakespeare, the answer is To Homeschool

On November 21, Brenden will end his last full day of school. For one half of a quarter I will be homeschooling him for Math, Social Studies, Music/Art/Home Economics and Reading. We are not calling everyone to tell them since feedback on a subject such as this is not always with support.
Brenden will rise in morning as he always does, ride the bus and attend his first two classes, Science and Communication Arts (ie English)then I will bring him home to finish out "School work" then we will begin our time at home.
So a few people know and well this is my soap box and therefore felt I will lay it out, my argument one last time then I will say no more in response to any one that wants to question "What in the world do you think you are doing" since first off it is not a single persons business, but since I make things other people's business and not just by this blog that any one can read, but that I am an open person, I am an honest person and I am a thinking person who is willing to see through the outside and find the center, the core of what things are, who people are and why situations are as they are. BUT This is about Brenden, so my new response if you don't agree, or are worried for my son
"Thank Goodness its not your child"
"I hope you would do the same , to stand up for your child and their future"
"All your worries and questions I can answer in a month"
That is done
Brenden has struggled in school for a LONG time, not that he has any learning disabilities, he has been tested, 2nd grade actually after they taught the kids to look at the photos of books they are reading to figure out what is going on if they are stuck, why would you do this, you teach them to look away from what they are reading, anyway he does this then he loses his spot so then he would stall when reading, so they said he cant read, they test him and send him to reading class that they said he really didn't need but why not get the extra help since its there. What!
whatever that's fine. It was more of a one on one in the reading class and he likes one on one.
Then he was able to take a reading program for free in the summer at school and I am all for that kind of thing so he did it and liked it, small personal setting.
I think I am on to something here, Brenden loves more personal situations, he is sensitive to groups and ruckus. This is the beginning of the present situation at hand, no I am sorry it really was kindergarten because he got a bad mark for refusing to sit criss cross applesauce, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now I know, it politically correct way to say sit Indian Style, ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS, what is going on with this world.......... so fine, I was so pissed.
But this was the beginning of proving to me that if Brenden did not conform to the school that was contradicting anyway than we would have issues and we did, still do.
Brenden does not focus well, let me tell you its like looking in the mirror. Brenden is so me its glorious. I say this now since I know its a beautiful thing to be who you are and not a failure, get a bad mark, or this is your negative trait................
So we focus less than others, we are more creative in how we wish to present things, we have times of energy and creativity and times of we want to veg out in quiet time or even take a nap.
We have glimpses of depression, weather plays a role on our attitude (Andrews trait) and we can shut down with others are lecturing.
I, We have tried all that you can try to get a child motivate in school and about school, but Brenden is about what Brenden can do at the time that it is asked, if he is interested he is an A/B student the rest of the time he can do enough to get by or he just checks out. Teacher response just from this year that repeats what has been said about him his entire school career is as follows
these responses coming from teachers at teacher conference after meeting with them beginning of school and telling them what will take place with Brenden in their class and letting them know, I have grounded, removed all items of entertainment, kicked and screamed, lost my damn mind livid mad at this kid and there is nothing more I can do , he will not be MADE to do what he is not motivated to do, and I don't know how to motivate him.
Who is Brenden
Brenden loves to help, and be a leader to little ones, he is a watcher and not a creator of trouble, he loves to hug and love, sensitive as they come, he will not put much effort in if he is not interested in how it is being asked of him, as in you want it this way and he is not feeling it then you will get little effort and I don't know how to change that to be honest, therapists have yet to answer or suggest a new way to do something, I have already done what they say, but they do say he is capable. He will work best when I am right on top of what he is doing and you will notice when I have to work or am busy and unable to assist in school organization, its pretty obvious in his effort, unless he is interested in what you are doing then he will motivate himself. Brenden is in the eyes of his teachers " Stubborn sweet" He is not perfect he is 12 he does get in to trouble, he can have an attitude, he has learned again from the best and he will argue till the cows come home like his dad if he knows he is right!
So we go in to conference and its as if they have not emailed back and forth with me, met me, or heard my yearly shpeall on this kid, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I should act like the dumb parent that is not involved and doesn't care I guess! yea I tried that and it is not me, I give a crap and cant let this child fail, it is not going to happen, my childhood was a failure and I will not repeat what was done to me.
ok back to the teacher reports where he had F's at the beginning
Com arts "C" Brenden is doing better but he is having difficulty with assignment completion
Social Studies "C" Brenden is a great student however he does not always complete work to our standards and expectations of someone with his potential
Math "F" the grades have improved but Brenden is capable of better, he is a pleasant smart child with much potential, he does not put effort in to taking notes and completing homework
Science "B" Grades are good, but Brenden is tired in the mornings this is his first hour some times he puts little effort in to his work , he writes what he knows instead of going to his notes to add more to the answers. Brenden has a great sense of humor and we respond well to one another, he is very friendly

Same thing every year. so I have been being asked since 3rd grade by him to be homeschooled
We feel we have had our last teacher conference to be told the same freakin thing. I have agreed to home school
I'm nuts, this is a lot of work, for both of us, and with Devin......
But I will do what it takes to see Brenden live up to his "potential"
School will do nothing more to help him with his work, they suggest private tutoring, well since I am rich this can be done, NOT.
and lets add more work on to him.

Here is my deal, I want Brenden to have freedom to be creative in his learning and expressing what he has learned, I don't care how you turn it in, just respond with what you learned in this area and I will give you a grade, not deducting points for using tape instead of glue, or not coloring something in enough, or not wanting to write a 700 page essay when you have a computer there to type it out.
removing some distraction of the classroom from him that he says makes it hard to concentrate on what is at hand, trust me little things distract Brenden but I want to have some time to see what the issues could be truly,
Is he lazy
ADD that needs meds, of course I will not give them since I don't believe in medication for this in children.
I don't have all the answers but as his mother and a person that cares about her children and their future being bright, confident, productive I will do what I have to do to support Brenden in learning.
I want him to come home and learn what self motivation is, what is it to have confidence, what is it to be free to be who you are and how you express that to the world, that you should be proud of the work you do and so much more
So the point is I want Brenden to be Brenden and be proud of that, not be a disappointment and have others say "he is so incredibly smart but he does not do enough, his grades prove it" what about Bringing all F's besides Math up to C's and B's? that is a HUGE to me, but they don't see that, they want MORE
well they will get it, from home.
For one month I will have Brenden work part time from home and see what we can do with grades, the difference is if it is not done completely or correctly he will have the chance to do it again. This will show that you will do it till its right, but with more freedom, you want to type an essay and use some silly fun font, go for it, to the best of your ability and you will be graded on that. I am beting his ablitiy will increase, his effort will increase, his love for learning will increase.
If you do math and I find the first 3 wrong I will stop grading and you will be taught it again and you will correct the answers and then I will grade it. THEN we will move on to the next chapter, he will not be left behind.
No late work, no I forgot it at home, no I didn't have time, I didn't understand.
Remove all those obstacles and see what Brenden is really made of.

I have told them, I appreciate what they are doing and how they do care for my child and I am here to help and do anything I can. The school councilor who has been such a great help to us the past two years is assisting us in a part time student program, this will keep Brenden's foot in the door at school some time with friends and contact with resources.
He picked two classes to keep there and the councilor agreed with them too.
I will meet her again in a month to show all work and a report card and we will know then if it is working thus far of not.
They are letting us keep all the school books so we can keep up with what school is doing, this is good in case he decides to go back to school full time.
anyway I have talked waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long, I have to go, and I feel better I said all this one last time, today we are off to the teacher store for planners and grade books and who know what else I will find, Devin is ready to hurt me for typing too long, TAH TAH for now!
I need a ladder to get down off this soap box, wow its high up here, but my kids do that to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


robbieniccum said...

I can't even lie...I scrolled down and saw how long this was and did NOT read it!
BUT! I will someday and I'm sure when I do, I will say AMEN..but until then??? LOVE YA! Looking foward to a "SLOWER" week next week, where we can breathe and talk at the same time :)

El Shaddai Ranch said...

We've been homeschooling all or some of our kids since 2004. Lots of advice is coming your way, I'm sure: here's my 2 cents... the IDEAL of homeschooling is not the reality. The reality is there are good days and bad days, it is not glorious and he probably will not become an Einstein b/c you spend one on one time with him. There are days you'll get everything done, there are days you'll get nothing done. In the end, it's always (always ALWAYS) better to have your son with you than without you.

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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