Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Big Boy

Devin has been just amazing me, he is wearing underwear this week, no accidents.
He has pull ups too that he wears and likes, they have the cars character on them. Yesterday he woke and wanted to go potty. While he was doing that Brenden commented and Devin saw on his underwear a poo mark with this he refused to wear them again and said " I wear cars". So funny.
He has also been sleeping in his big boy bed, two naps and two nights, WOW!!!!
It amazes me so because he is sooooooooooo different from Brenden who slept in our bed and snuggled for ever. Even to this day Brenden will snuggle on up with us,all 100 lbs of him and Devin gives a hug a kiss and he is gone.... (ok so he says high five, up high and knuckles, then he is off)
How 2 kids could be so different, but both just as precious as they come.
Today we had the dr, well I did, another monitor to wear for 24 hours, Devin was making his mark as he sat up in a chair got out a snack and ate them then went to go potty, washed his hands sat back down and opened up a magazine, they all thought he was much older, we get that alot. He loves to say goodbye, to everyone and EVERYTHING
we drive down the street, goodbye trees, bye house, bye car, bye whatever he sees. He is such a crack up, when at the park, say lets go Devin he says ok, "BYE PARK!"
this is my new favorite act of his
He got to go see his cousins today after the dr appointment , Gavin, Peyton, and Addison are all doing well. We stopped at the meat market where he got out his shopping cart and loaded up items for the next two nights dinner, okay so got a piece of cherry pie to share after lunch too. We like pie!!!!! Then we picked up the dogs from the groomers ( its at a puppy farm, not sure how long I can keep going there, so sad all those pups in the cages, and the smell, well it is not delightful thats for sure.
so I am ready for lunch and a nap, the last week or so is finally catching up to me and I am feeling sleepy, hope all is well......

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