Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes we Can!

Yesterday was an amazing day, one that we should all be proud of.

I feel like we were all standing at the front door of something amazing, one knock and that door opened, the pride and confidence that the Obama family has. To know they are a part of something amazing in the making, this man and the team he will put together will bring this country to great heights and we will not fear it, we will be proud and strong and feel our nations pride again, UNITED is right Obama, right on!!! This is not about him being a black man, it is about him have a love, faith, belief that this country can do amazing things, and changes can be made. McCain was wonderful in his speech last night, kudos to him, maybe it was finally one he wrote instead of the person that told him to be on the defense and attack when he can.Obama took a stand to not offend, not to bring others down but to be honest, be hopeful and believe in better things for us all as one. He is a hero and I pray for him and the future we have ahead , one that is so bright! I know it important that we have a minority President to break the mold of what this nation has been haunted by for so many years, but more important that we have a free thinking, open minded man to lead this country. A man that I feel truly represents what this nation is and that is one of many that can come together and be united under one flag.

We need a fresh start, fresh ideas. This country will not be fixed over night, we as individuals don't fix our own problems over night, so I would hope no one would think this man or his party can fix a billion families and problems in one step. But he wants to do it together and with listening ears and understanding. He makes me feel that I could sit with him and feel peaceful, that he could help me to calm down and have a better understanding. There is a peace and father love to him. He has such respect for those around him, I just cant say enough how I feel that this man is on to do wonderful things for our country.

Feel pride in our country, even if you did not vote for Obama know that he is doing this for all of us.

Pray for him, pray for our nation, God is in charge of all of this, THIS is what was suppose to be.

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