Sunday, November 30, 2008

oh so tired, gotta keep going though

I have been super duper busy kids. Wonderful and tiresome
Turkey day we hosted Brad's family here. We had so much food and a good time even Santa stopped in for a visit. I will have to post some photos, once I get around to them. I got all other photography work done, edited and out the door in time for Brenden to start work at home and me to get back to hair clients, get that caught up for Thanksgiving and once that is done I am back to photography work, WOW!!!!
so things are going good, calls are coming in from referrals, but I am running out of weather so I have been researching portrait equipment, which means I need to sell off my old equipment, film camera and accessories. It makes me sad but its time to move on, I want Brenden to learn on digital so why am I holding on to it, oh yea because there is nothing like a film camera.
But I am learning so much faster on digital, the improvements I have made thus far, so much faster than I ever did on film.
So a couple pics from this weekend, others are on smugmug. I have not edited them yet, and they need to well some of them, the lighting was almost non existent yesterday and I like bright photographs so I know I will boost them up. There was one I added an effect to with the little girls, they were so dang cute and so fun to photograph, cant wait to play with other photos.
all is well, busy day ahead, one photo session cancellation due to snow and the other I think is wanting to brave it,though I may not want to, I know I have to go up and down a huge hill, with equipment in the snow maybe not a good idea to me. I also have hair clients at 6p, so I better keep a movin!!!

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