Sunday, November 09, 2008

How long was this weekend

boy it feels like it went on for days, I am not so sure it was only Saturday and Sunday to be honest with you
Friday night I was soooooooooo tired and so bad wanted to fall out at 1 in the afternoon but my friend came over and we colored and cut her hair, then I had her two boys come back after they were out of school.
I was to go to my love Robbies and she called pooped out too, so I was ready to crash for the night, well I still had to get dinner and Brenden who was being 12 (annoying me) and I was not digging him, but that is ok.
We went got dinner, my sister tired too, wanted to go listen to the dad of one of her daycare kids, he plays in a band, so we pulled ourselves out of bed and went to the bar just outside my subdivision to listen, they turned out to be pretty good. We hung out and had fun for a couple of hours. Saturday I was to shoot to photography appointments and it was cooooooooooooold outside, I was freezing. So the photos sessions were fast fast fast. I didnt like that part since I am flying through what i am suppose to be learning. Well we got the first appointment done with little down time in between to warm up, session two started, that was a bit better since I was already frozen, HA.
I finished with them and headed home to prepare for an anniversary party, My aunt and uncle have been married for 40 years. This is family that we don't get to see much these days and let me tell you how wonderful it was to be with them all. Of course I got tons of photos and plan to make a DVD for them this week. Brenden and his cousins decided to have a sleepover at my house so we brought 3 extra rug rats home with us (Shannon was hunting with her daddy)
oh I didn't mention, Saturday I had some issues with my neck and shoulders, they were killllling me, Brad tried to rub them out but oh goodness, too many days of letting them be in bad shape he was not able to fix anything about them.
so we woke and got the kids fed and I called for a massage appointment worked on the computer and photos till it was time to go, after my WONDERFUL massage, and I have to go again next weekend I am in such horrible shape, DARN RIGHT! I KNOW!!!!
I headed to the grocery store and meat market, then home where I had groceries carried in for me, that was crazy now I see why some have so many kids, LOL
We ate and I headed back to the computer, my neighbor then came for a haircut and within an hour I was running out hte door with camera, shoes, sweatshirt and keys to photograph another group. Well I stopped at the store, AGAIN, to pick up some of what I forgot, came home, cooked dinner and back to the darn computer I went. YUP I am still here, but while all my photos are uploading I grabbed the lap top so I could multi task!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am pooped out just typing my weekend. So you see it was crazy busy. Brad spent some wonderful time with the kids, he has been so great with them lately, really enjoying his time with them, oh Saturday morning I went for a pedicure and he took the kids to work so they could fix a post on the fence, he said it was a nice time with them. So I better get back to my work, I am glad I was able to ramble to you all, Hope all is well kids. Life is going to get super busy soon so I better get this typing in while I can, the blogs may be few and long, bare with me!!!!!!!!!
Tah Tah for now
oh you have to check out my photos I am uploading them now to my website.

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