Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Halloween on Friday? Seriously!

I just found out Halloween is on a FRIDAY, I am so spookin excited!
I BOO crazy for Halloween!
I am so into decorating for it, I will have to dig out some photos tonight to share, I get the ghosts, and fog, skull head, bones, grave markers, haunted house, music, we do it up around here, the kids are starting to remember my house for it, and our court hangs out between the houses, sharing drinks and spooky good times, and a Friday around here! We could wake the dead and stir the spirits for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to get my black cat out now kids!!!!

oh and this is the house I project at my garage door, the kids love it!

A good friend according to a 12 year old boy!

Essay by Brenden
“ A good friend is……”
I think a good friend would be kind and would not get into trouble. A good friend wouldn’t get upset or angry. If you had a friend that got into trouble they can get you into trouble. A good friend would not ditch you when you are hanging out.
Okay enough about what a good friend is. Let’s talk about what to watch out for in a bad friend. A bad friend would whine if you don’t call or if you didn’t do what they wanted to do. They would get mad or yell if you have to leave or you can’t do this or that. A bad friend would get you in trouble for something you didn’t do. They would brag that they had something you don’t. So all I’m saying is that if you want to be a good friend, don’t do any of the things that I mentioned in the second paragraph. If you want to be a good friend in my opinion, you would just be nice to people and don’t whine or brag, just don’t. Doing these things would not bring you any friends, not good friends at least.

I think thats pretty good opinion of a good and bad friend!

reason to smile

Mrs. Risenhoover,Good news! Brenden achieved a 96% today on his skeletal system test! yippy! You guys must have studied last night! Wanted to share the good news...I just finished grading it but he has left the room already so he doesn't know yet. You can surprise him tonight! :-) Thanks for your help! Ms McCrary

This note came today by email, and I have to say Brenden didnt have to study. When we went over notes he knew this info. He was interested in it, and it shows. I am proud and he will be too.
This brings his grade for the class to a "B", yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday with the Fam

Its wild, we dont HAVE to do anything on this day....??????!!!!!!!!!!
the day started with me going to a friends garage sale to buy most of what I didnt need, I did get a much needed chair for Brenden's desk. Then ran up the street to another garage sale where I ran in to a friend from the past, so nice to see familiar friendly faces.
I got home and my boys told me how they had eaten and wrestled and well it was a bonding morning for them. I started to do some house chores and found Brad to be realllllly tired so he laid back down in bed and soon Devin was
tired and went down as well. I was not ready to be tired go figure right!
Brenden was starting his chores (that were far from complete due to all the sleeping going on.)
This is now about 10:30am. I went out and cleaned garage floor, blew it out and rinsed it out, then rinsed off the front porch and began washing the truck,
About 12 Brad came wondering out, feeling like a new man, good for him, his body needed to recoupe, he has been working so hard preparing for all the end of the year stuff that he has never done before. Brad finished washing the truck while I started making salsa.
Brad said he and Brenden were going to work on the four wheeler nad get it repaired, the carborator has been having issues (this is my old four wheeler from when we use to camp all the time and I passed it down to Brenden) so they were working on that and I disappeard in to the basement ot do computer work, I thought I dont have to watch kids all the time right. I feel I get stuck in that rut that while projects are going on I get kids, well that is crap, I get kids all the time, I am doing what I want to do this afternoon, Brad never complained except to Brenden who was not doing the best job of watching Devin, I mean why would a 12 year old WANT to babysit his 2 year old brother, well we told him its because dad is fixing your four wheeler so you can take it out mudding. Good enough reason right, sometimes you have to work to get to the playing part.
I told Brad at 3p I was leaving to take Devin
to the park and everyone was welcome but I was not hanging around all day, so 3 got here fast and well he was still working since he had to help watch Devin who kept taking off on his own four wheeler, down the main street he would go, dodging cars I am sure, I didnt want to watch so I didnt stay, I let them figure it all out, until I announced I was leaving, Brad said he was not staying home to work while we had fun, so he hoped in the car too, our neighbor friend Cameron came too. We love her. I say she is my future daughter in law. What a doll.
So we hit the park and then stopped at the store for hamburgers and what not, came home and grilled yummmmmy.
Friends of ours then came out and we hung outside, the guys worked on the four wheeler a bit and then we watched a movie after I put Devin to bed, it was a relaxed night nad to bed at a decent time.
We are hoping this weekend we can get organized enough to out camping, one night was all I asked Brad to do, try it out with Devin. About the age of 3 or 4 we started camping with Brenden and we did that for 3 or so years I guess and so many wonderful times and memories. I think Devin should have the same.he will have to rough it with the tent. No way am I buying the camper set up again. We had 3 campers in 3 years, the four wheelers, primitive camping, so roughing it but with a house. It was the best. But so much money and work, I just want to plop my tent down, blow up air mattress and just enjoy it. NO leveling the camper and set up the water and batteries and get out allll the equipment, I want a one day and one night adventure nad come home, maybe in a few years we can get a small (hear that daddy) pop up. If you know Brad he does nothing small, its all the biggest and best. That is a great trait but some times it is more than you really need.....

A Message by George Carlin: The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways ,but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.> > We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.> > We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.> > We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbour. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.> > We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.> > These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...> > Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.> > Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.> > Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.> > Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.> > Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.> > Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.> > AND ALWAYS REMEMBER:> > Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Women multiply

Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So... if you give her crap, you will receive more shit than any one human being can handle. AMEN !

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Trip to the produce stand

Time to make the Salsa, I had been wanting to take Devin's grocery cart with us to the store for some time now. He goes with me often through out the week to grab small items here and there, how fun to take his cart with us so he could do his own shopping. I figure it also keeps him out of the germ infested carts.
We decided to make a trip to our produce stand so we could make some salsa and pick up some fruit too.
A nice small space to try out the grocery cart. Devin did well, we even picked up a beautiful purple mum to celebrate the beginning of autumn.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Are you talking to me

I know Rob, you are always watching Joyce and I see her some mornings as I am waking up in bed, Stopping there for a moment from time to time. This morning I stopped, due to her animal print top, sexy momma I was thinking, Wow Joyce you go girl. I then heard what she was saying and that kept me there, about our personality and how we all come from places that are not pleasing and we can change this when we let God in to do his work, once we let God be in control amazing things happen, we can continue to make mistakes and God will continue to show us his light. I was thinking that yesterday, as I say I have no patience but I am learning and its a big hill to climb, and it is. This morning I hear her saying "you keep saying you have no patience, no peace, no joy, you are not allowing it because you have denied it over and over and over again,
* As I am typing this Devin is playing with the remote and he just turned her on again. IS GOD SPEAKING TO ME OR WHAT.*
so anyway, she then gets a camera out and does an analogy wiht the camera, alright now, come on.
So I am in a new breath of life at the moment and feeling hopeful. A continuation of how I was starting to feel last night.I had another revelation , it is one I had before but had not done anything with. I have these issues with Devin getting into trouble, well as soon as I am on this darn computer or doing something else that is not about him. Well all things dont need to be about him, but we need to be organized.
I am planning out our weeks, Monday store/grocery store runs, Tuesday playdate, Wed park and Clean house, Thursday playdate, Friday Park and lunch date.
He has even just said, go Bye Bye. He wants to be busy, out doing things and interacting with others, when we are here and I am doing whatever that boy gets bored and trouble shortly insues.
So I am going to order today Joyce's cd called Extremem Personality makeover and listen to it like therapy, I am so excited abotu it and hope its is wonderful.
Thanks God for the message this morning, I needed it!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Got a momma who I swears a saint

this is a line from a song by Montgomery Gentry, I love the line or any line that talks of a mom that is wonderful and spiritual and loving.
I always think if my children grow to be men of many words I dont want those words to come out in therapy and start with "because my mom....." followed by something mean.
I want to be a mom that is in those songs and poems, I want my grown men to remember the good times they had,have with me and the good things I did for them. Not the times I yelled at them, smacked their hands , butts or mouths. Time I tried to chase them across a room to retrieve an item,though they are usually laughing at me when this takes place, that is until I catch them.
I hate the rearing part, I just want to enjoy my kids, have them do as they are told, hug them as long as they will allow it. Brenden allows it longer than I usually have it to give.
Devin is too busy But he likes to lay his head on me from time to time during the day and say awwwwwwwwwwww, or Hi Momma!
I know the day will come, for Brenden it may be around the corner that he will not have time for me but all the time for his friends.
I wish I could be more receiving of peace and patience (maybe God is teaching me to recieve it) I am not kidding when I say somedays I feel there is nothing in these hugging arms my kids should want, but they know nothing else and they crawl in to them, and I pray I am passing love to them and not hurt.
So I work on it all the time, letting go of the pains of my past, healing myself and coming to a peaceful place.
Learning to mom in a way I want to be remembered for, I wish I could have a do over with Brenden, I am so much better now, but I have a long hill to climb.
I am a Lucky Mom and Wife


Well Devin woke me early, I am ready for a nap already, I think he is as well. We have been outside to play, gone to BB's school to drop off his eye glasses, played on the computer and talked to Robbie.
I need to finish up some photography work on the main computer, downloading and organizing, I need to up load for sharing as well. Wait, I hear possible trouble........
I just found him on my bed, I had his clean clothes in there organized ready to put away, well he found the pile of clean wooooobies, oh that is like winning the freakin lottery to him.
He was huuuuuuummin away, smelling them, rolling on the bed, of course I took photos, then we took some of us and he took some of me, lets see I am in them! I will get them off the camera after I do some chores. For now I guess I better go finish up the laundry, do some vacuuming and think about getting out of my pj's.
Dinner is in the crock pot, I have clients tonight as well, its been a busy week for the books.
Tah Tah for now kids

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Morning inspiration

Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they're doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel—and then, you'll love them all. Because the only reason you don't love them, is because you're using them as your excuse to not feel good
I know excuses can come easy when we are not aware of what is going on, give reasons to fill the void of really knowing how we are doing or what we are doing, so remember to take a step back, take a breath, take a moment to think about what it is that is hurting you, saddening you, and know that it is up to us to change who we are and how we feel. It is no ones fault, no matter what, if they say something to get us down, its up to us NOT to get down, anyone can say anything they want, It is up to us on how it affects us, It is up to US to be happy!
Move forward in your day as a breath of fresh air, a renewed sense of peace.
Know you are loved!
Question: What inspires you?
my answer,my children, my husband, friends, quotes, strong people, honest people, beautiful photographs, and songs

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my morning thus far

Devin is killing me this morning, He woke tooooo early, he has asnotty nose already, some sleep would be great for both of us. I have him in my bed resting and get up to let dogs out to potty and then I get side tracked doing whatever downstairs, oh I went down to get different fish tank for our>beta fish, so I get sidetracked, I hear Devin come down and now he is hanging in the office with me, soon he decides to shut the door on me and go do his own thing,that can only mean trouble. Devin had come upstairs and I thought he will let dogs in and shut the door, >duh not this morning, He instead goes outside on the porch with the dogs and my "shhhhhhh baby sleeping" sign so I get him and dogs in and shut the front door with baby proof handle, my bad for not shutting it in the first place. I decide that we should make a new sleeping sign, see people come to my house and ring the bell or knock on the door (even with the sign sometimes )and its not that noise that wakes the boy, but the dogs barking at the person standing at my door, that usually doesn't REALLY need anything at all. Soo we proceed downstairs to print a new sign, he then says "I >pooped", so I am back upstairs to get diapers and wipes, now we change him and then I go back to print his door sign, stating with a sleeping puppy (since Devin is always imitating dogs.) "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh give momma a break, the boy is a sleep! " I come up to hang it on its magnet and find Devin in the homeopath medicine drawer, I guess this morning I didnt shut the drawer all the way after retrieving a bandaid for Devin (after he scratched open a mosquito bite), now he has pills all over the place and some in his mouth (he is okay, this will not kill him, its homeopath medicine) So I beat his ass (of course) and decide we have tried and tried with this drawer time to remove all meds from it and get it put up up and away. Now this is after Brad has twice put a block in the way so when he gets the drawer partially open from the child latch that is not so safe, and he shoves his hand in then he would hit this block of wood (baseboard actually)and then he would give up. Not so with Devin. Brad put a taller one in, well if you don't shut the drawer and latch it then its no good dumb ass, so I will assume this morning is my fault, but theres not telling so I just moved it. NOW I get him a snack since he is yelling for something else to eat, and set him up with oranges. I go back to trying to relocate the fish. Devin ends up reading the schuncks ad and hits the rest of his mandarin oranges on my clean floors, okay, pick it up. Now he is off and soon yelling because he cant push his baby stroller between the couch and glider rocker, this always makes him mad. I am trying to ignore the yelling. Finally I send him in to do wood puzzles, we got through those and I get more out to organize (we have a ton from Brenden in a cloth bag with pieces all at the bottom) we get that done and I turn to check email on computer and hear Devin yelling about something, well I didnt get to him fast enough because this is what I turned to. He was in search of a binki and I missed him checking the drawer and he moved on to the bottle cap tote in the cabinet. He just doesn't stop EVER, well it seems that way, so its only 9:20 something and I am already geared for a nap...... We still have to go to the store. Now he is standing below me saying "Uh OH", he took his diaper off, its wet! Gotta go sisters! p.s.okay then I come back to proof read this for mistakes in spelling, and he has the damn diaper off again. I need drugs and a nanny!

p.s.s. Now I go to post this walk in my room, he has butt creme in his hair

diapers all over my bed, the misquito bite is bleeding again and he says "Hi Momma!" GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

maybe this is the best place for him right now!

I know

not the nicest photo of Brad, but seems my camera that night was not taking the best photos, it even ended up drunk and fondled by many. So the shots as I go through them I have to trash some and others well I will share them on my slide show but may not post them here. I am one of those torn people, not always sure how or what to post. I am that person with a good angel on one shoulder and a bad girl angel on the other. I have always been that way and I am not sure it will change.
I have a strong love for God, but I know I am an imperfect human.
So it all depends I guess on who I think is reading this as to how I will post my weekends. I try to keep it somewhat tame here. Then maybe I wont and open up to be a bit more of me, that has the best of both worlds and that is ok I think.
WARNING: photos and story can be offensive or fun to your soul!
to those that view me from a different blog, you will have no clue what I am talking about unless you come to the original post on rznhvrmomma.blogspot.com

Monday, September 22, 2008

who are you surrounded by

A bunch of weak people, even in numbers, aren't strong. Get a whole bunch of confused people together and see how much clarity comes out of it. In other words, you just can't add one more confused person to the pot, and expect to get any more clarity… One—standing outside of the confused group—who is clear, is more powerful than a million who are confused.

Happy 1st day of Autumn

It sure doesnt feel like it , But Autumn is my favorite time of year. The way the air feels, the smells outside, leaves, trees changing, chill in the morning that makes me go for my house coat and want to have hot tea and warm toast.
I Love the Holidays, though usually it brings drama somewhere amongst the family.
I look forward to going apple and pumpkin picking.
A trip to the winery will be a must as well. Its a change in season, change in waredrobe and a change of attitude, go for something warm and new.
Best wishes my fall friends!!!!

God Morning laugh

A middle aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. Seeing God she asked "Is my time up?" God answered, "No, you have another 40 years, 2 months and 8 days to live."
Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a facelift, liposuction, and a tummy tuck. She even had someone come in and change her hair color. Since she had so much more time to live, she figured she might as well make the most of it.

After her last operation, she was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home, she was hit by a car and died immediately.

Arriving in front of God, she demanded, "I thought you said I had another 40 years, why didn't you pull me from out of the path of the car?"

God replied, " Girl I didn't recognize you."

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hope you have a great birthday love, we missed you last night, I cant even believe I am up.
We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Family Fun Day, we are going to have so much fun your gonna be singing zipadedoda out your butt!

We went last Saturday to Brad's brothers church carnival, it was family fun time!
We have not done anything fun and non work related is quit some time.
We met up with Brad's niece and nephew and took them on the rides. Devin enjoyed himself, his first real time to do rides, he did so well. He would say wooooooo on the roller coaster, then he was raising his hands when we went over big bumps, Brenden spray painted his hair pink, Big Daddy loved that. Mo came out to play with us all too.
We ate some food and then Brenden got Brad to go on the octopus ride, we kept laughing waiting for him to puke, when they got off Brad's arm was all pink from Brenden's hair.
Devin got to do a ride all on his own, I prayed the whole time he wouldn't try to get off before it was over.
It was a great day out with the Fam!
Tons of photos to share, they are handful compared to how many I took, I am wondering if there is a support group for obsessed photographers!?

Devin kept saying WOOOO!!!!!!!!! on the roller coaster rides

I had to make these bigger, look at that baby boy raising his hands like his on a big roller coaster, cracks us up!

Bless you

Its an awesome thing when you can sneeze two times in a row and both times your two year old, binki in mouth says "Bless you" from across the house!

Brenden and school

well if I could knock on every inch of wood in my house, oh never mind that would take forever if you know my house then you understand. So anywho
I am thankful for Brenden's progress. With a lot of help, I am willing to admit, from mom he has had a wonderful school week, mood week, helpful around the house week.
When I just step back from what others say its amazing how great of a parent, momma, counselor, friend, all that jazz person I can be.
Even with my ADD, and Brenden's ADD, we are working out a plan.
Every day he goes to his chore chart, he hardly had to anymore since I made every week and every day the same thing, he is already remembering what he HAS to get done, which is simple things, trash cans empty night before trash man comes, help with dinner certain nights, clean bathrooms, clean room, do laundry. The things he needs to know how to do so he doesn't have to rely on one of us girls to do it for him (unless he wants that) but I have always felt my job was to teach him to do it for himself, survive it.
School, that is a different story he needs momma help, so I greet him at the door, or when he finds me in the house doing whatever, ha. I allow him to do his tasks , snack, homework, chores. Then he comes back and I start to ask, we check website for homework and I go over homework and find anything that he missed, and some days its nothing, other days it is oh my gosh!!!!
we get it all put back in his binder and ready for school. His mood/my mood has been so much better. We needed it this week too. Big Daddy has had a really tough week at work, they lost their computers and all info over the weekend, they fried somehow and he has not been arriving home til 8p all week, and dog tired at that. I hate to say on a bad hormone week he would be getting a beatin, (Kidding)
I am still doing momma with a smile, working on clients, and preparing for Brad's surprise birthday party this Saturday! (CANT WAIT) now I am so glad I decided to do this, he is so needing this time with friends and family.
So I am proud of Brenden, he likes the actions we have taken and they seem to be working, I think I did mention I took him to talk to a counselor, well Brad and I should be counselors, we know just as much or more than some of these people that take our money for their help, I will admit I should know my child better than a counselor, and I would think that with how much Brad and I talk through, work out, evaluate, analyze feelings and situations that we should be realllly good at this. We have tried so much and wanted a professional opinion to be sure, and we got it. I am changing my habit of not committing to something long term and stick this out. It seems to be working well for us all.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Image of Hurricane Ike on September 10, 2008, taken by the crew of the International Space Station, flying 220 miles above Earth. Ike barreled into the densely populated Texas coast near Houston early September 13, 2008, bringing with it a wall of water and ferocious winds and rain that flooded large areas along the Gulf of Mexico and paralyzed the fourth-largest U.S. city

God Morning Laugh

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the rascally behavior that was going on. So he called one of His angels and sent the angel to Earth for a time.
When he returned, he told God, 'Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and only 5% are not. God thought for a moment and said, 'Maybe I had better send down a second angel to get another opinion.' So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When the angel returned he went to God and said, 'Yes, it's true.The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving, but 5% are being good.' God was not pleased. So He decided to e-mail the 5% that were good, because he wanted to encourage them, and give them a little something to help them keep going.
Do you know what the e-mail said?

Okay, I was just wondering, because I didn't get one either

Maybe this will help

I need to find a better way to keep track of who is updating their blogs, sooooooooooo I see that friends are implementing the new blogger tool, ya know the one on the left here. LET ME TELL YA, I think it could be a winner girls.
Now I will know when you blog and what ya'll are talking about.
SO expect me all up in your business more, HA kidding, but atleast I can read it sooner than later.
We are off this morning to pick up hair color, apply that hair color to a friend, bank, pharmacy, naps, after school antics, dinner, color and cut Mo Mo (Grandma Eileen). Its a full day around here, but it will be a good day, a blessed day.
Hope your's is as well, ta ta for now!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Movie night

SO Normally my sister and I try to gather once a week to watch a chick flick, after kids are down and lights are out, its our time. We eat snacks, of course something salty and something sweet, with soda for good measure.
Tonight we had chips with homemade salsa and m&m's.
She brought this movie over, so cute. Chick flick feature "I'm with Lucy"
Lucy has 5 different first dates that they take you through, one she will end up with. So you are trying to figure out which one she drawn to by the way the dates are going. Lucy (Monica Potter) is so darn cute, and the guys, all cute in their own way, but you soon discover why each is not for her, some of them cracked us up. All in all though
I recommend it, I even like a few songs from it and have put them on the blog for your listening pleasure.
I am off to bed now, we have lots of errands and work in the morning.
Sweet dreams kids!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
(Albert Einstein)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thought for the day

When you can’t solve the problem, manage it. –
Rev. Robert H. Schuller

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sometimes you gotta dance

Be sure to turn music off at the bottom to hear the video when you click play button
Enjoy, cause sometimes you gotta dance!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my shape to keep.
Please no wrinkles, Please no bags
And please lift my butt before it sags.
Please no age spots, Please no gray
And as for my belly, Please take it away.
Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young,
And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've done.

Five tips for a woman....
1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to You.
4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
5. It is important that these four men don't know each othe r.

Foot Note:
One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob:
'If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts.'

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Homemade caramel apples, YUMMY!

We made caramel apples yesterday, Devin tasted his today, Brenden and I tasted his too, they were goooooooooooooooooood, we crushed m&m's and butterfingers for our toppings, out of the frig, the caramel crunches when you bite in, then all that sweet, I may have to go have a nibble now.
The boys had so much fun making them, have I mentioned my boys love to cook. ;)

follow up to Brenden

Brenden's teachers never responded, well maybe they did, they sent the message to the counselor who sent it to the crisis counselor, who in turn emailed me saying he would talk to Brenden. He also sent me two names of men ( at my earlier request for a motivational counselor). The one person I didn't feel anything when I read the name, strange of me I know. The other is Roger Wohldman
Strategies for Effective Change, ok that just sounds wonderful to me, so I called. Roger called back and he listened and he sounded laid back and soft spoken, that may appeal to Brenden. If you can have patience for Brenden then you can connect with him, in that sense he is like Brad. I use to tell Brad his snow white of a mom gave him too much attention, He talks in great detail, (great listener too) kind of guy. He is truly a wife's dream, he just drives me nuts! HA! (Kidding obviously, I love him)
so I told Roger about how
a.I want Brenden to be Brenden
I just want someone to tell me that everything I*we) think and that I (we)am doing is on track and I (we) just have to drag him through the school setting and get him to graduation (this I was told by my energy therapist by the way, years ago) Still maybe I need another to say it and then learn my speech from here on out to every set of teachers he has.
2. I want Brenden to learn coping skills for school and how he is to get through it.
c. I want to maintain self esteem and positive attitude even if bad grades are going to be the normal here.
(for those of you that caught that, the a.2.c. would make only Brad proud)

This all brought a renewed sense of hope, pride, and thought process of what I can be doing to help this unique child of mine. I have always said Brenden refuses to fit in any category us adults have set up to line children up for some damn statistic or curve.

Brenden needs his own category, hence my making a list previously of who he is, like me, we are many things, perfect is far from it and trying to act perfect , that skin just doenst feel right on me. I am openly honest and I hope to teach Brenden to be the same way. BUT he has been lying latley, but honestly if your mom lectured and adults harped on you and you dont want to hear it you would lie too. I dont thinks its ok, AT ALL! BUT I don't blame the kid at all, it was pretty smart of him actually to be thinking how he would problem solve this one. So we talked yesterday how its still not a good thing to be doing, its a bad habit and it makes a false statement about who you are. Honesty can be painful but with me, his mom, its the best policy to have. We can work through anything my love bug.

The school has started a web site where you can log in and see all grades broken down, so rather than them saying he has a whatever grade, I can see WHY he has that grade. His grades are poor due to him not turning work in or turning in late. OK this work is done, I know he has it, did it and he doesn't know why its not turned in? As we talked he said that class is a confusion of talking and what not, well to someone that is easily distracted that would keep you from hearing turn your papers in or anything the teacher is telling you for that matter. Brenden is also a one on one. You know how when children are small you say "Look at mommy" when you are trying to get them to follow directions, well Brenden is like that still, you connect with him he is aware of what is expected, he could still get sidetracked, but it does help.
So I emailed the teachers requesting that they try this out, When Brenden walks in to your class personally ask for his work. Lets see if turning his work in shoots those grades back up, he has all A and B's on tests, what does that tell you?!

We will go see the guy Roger on Monday, I am breathing fresh air with Brenden right now, continuing with the dinner help, chores, we have never been good about that stuff. But if I can retrain me to stick to a routine for my kids it will be beneficial.
Brad is agreeing to all this, poor guy has sooooo freakin much to deal with at work and works such long hours, he listens when I call and hating computers as he does, he will respond to emails of mine or construct his own to me.
He is supporting my wanting to walk through this with Brenden rather than him wanting to let him fail and see what that does. I have a bad feeling about that so we ditched that idea. If he fails even after all my work than that I have to live with. Brad is concerned that Brenden will not be able to survive the real world, I told him that school doesn't do that we do that, teach him what he needs, cook, clean, laundry, washing himself, minor car repairs, home repair, communication skills, what not.
We know this kid who is in his mid 20's, biggest player we have ever seen, parents did it all for him and he still lets them, but he did fine in school. Brad didn't want to see Brenden turn out like him, I said that has to do with us, not so much school.

so we feel good , we feel great, we feel wonderful. Everyday is a new day, a chance to start over, a chance for change.

I told Brenden we pay taxes, the school gets those taxes to pay the teachers to teach him, therefor, they work for him, put them to work, ask if you don't get it, get extra help when you need it,request what you need. The worst anyone can do for you is say NO! Then you tell me and we will work through it.

Many prayers are going out for this, But I truly think God has been guiding me thus far, so I feel high energy on these decisions.

There is this place in my heart that says
"I didnt give up on my son when he was in my belly and the doctors gave me such horrible news about my heart and about my unborn child. I didnt give up then and I am not about to give up on him now"

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

This is the letter I sent to Brenden's teachers today
I am so frustrated, and something has to click, every year the same thing, same concerns.

Dear teachers
This is a tough situation we are in with Brenden, today he was out of school due to being sick last night,(of course I thought he said he was sick to get out of writing 125 times "I will not lie" and an essay about why math is important, but he saved the puke for me, wasn't that nice)
but today by mid morning he was up and playing, so I moved him towards starting on some school work, I pulled up schools website and had him find work to do, he said there was only one thing he could do, in the mean time I called Mrs. Wolz and she stopped to see all of you, or checked the computer and found there were many things Brenden could do.
I sat him down and had a talk with him AGAIN, motivational talk #352.
I am not sure what to say to about, what to do, I thought letting him fail would be an answer, a motivation, something, but I don't think it is and it will drive me crazy in the mean time to give up on Brenden. I am to the point that I told him it is a like failing at a job and you get fired, then you loose everything because you have no money to afford life. So I thought he can strip his room of all possessions and he can earn it all back with money/grades.
School is some big bore to him I guess, he doesn't know what motivates him to fail, but he knows what the motivation is to succeed, so I guess I am even more confused by him now.
If you know what success brings than you put yourself in the mind set of what you want out of life and get there. I had him look up words Belief, succeed, motivate, confidence
he knows the meanings to them but had a hard time showing me what they all mean.
So he is now ready to sit down to a ton of work that I know he is pissed to do.
He had a hard time with his fractions last night and when I tried to help all he wanted to do was argue with me on how to do it, so I say then teach me, well he went back and forth and we ended up with what I told him, HOPE I am telling him right.
He wrote a paper about why Math is important, it was a list of reasons to pass, they were vague so we started with how you use it all day, gave examples, his final answer to me was, you use Math all day long mom, it is important. Who knows if that will motivate him to doing it, asking questions or not.
I am teaching him not to waste anyone's time and money. If he isn't doing the work then why should those try to help him, spending extra time.
Then the other side is so that we don't give up on him, hope, dream, trust, belief that he can do this.
So I am requesting a motivational counselor, or some avenue to reach Brenden and how he views this world, don't just get by in life, succeed and know why you are succeeding , or you will be perfectly unhappy.
This has been going on since 2/3rd grade, one person saying let him fail, then when I do I am told "Did you know he was failing", YES I am well aware of what is going on with Brenden but I have no more answers and I will keep searching for answers. I am involved and I am concerned and I am not sure what to do.
He would like for me to stop talking, lecturing , worrying, I told him "do your job and I will do all of those", of course he smiles, but this is not a new conversation.
Brenden is very smart, its getting him to show you that is the issue. I guess he is saving it all up for a rainy day...
So I wanted to be sure each of you know, I am not ON TOP, of what he is doing. I work, have a toddler, have many things going in my life, but Brenden is a concern, I am always worried, but I also cant take total control or he will NEVER figure it out, but at any point he is lacking in figuring it out on my time schedule.
He is cooking at home, doing chores, being more productive, but I am waiting for what he will do with school. He wants to be homeschooled, I have researched it and if I had the time I would let him try it out.
If ANYONE, has a thought, a book, a person, a magic potion, I am , we are open. His dad says "Let that boy fail, he will figure it out" Will he?

Monday, September 08, 2008

salsa time

We LOOOOOOOOVE to make salsa, and each time we have tried something different, We made some earlier this week with cilantro, I hated it, a couple of the neighbors loved it so I shared it with them and Brad kept some to put peaches in, that was pretty good. So since I had my crave going, Devin and I headed back to the store for more veggies and made another patch this evening, He loves to cook and is a big help with the salsa making.
Recipe for Lisa's Salsa
Grill the following
5 tomatos (core them)
2 peppers, any color you like (core them too)
1 jalapeno (core or not to core, that is a question for you to answer)
Grill if you would like (We do)
1 red or white onion
chop , puree, food processor is what we use
3tbl sugar
1-2 tsp
lemon with lime for a little change
1 tsp salt

We add it to hamburger meat for tacos or nachos
add it to eggs for a southwest breakfast, salsa is a great healthy condiment for anything!



okay, so I got some photos of what we did this weekend with moving in to the basement, we even had friends over on Saturday, they cooked us dinner, we bought the Ultimate Fighting Championship pay per view, pretty intense stuff. ANYWHO we broke it all in, even had a water issue in the bar, since we dont have the dishwasher yet, when I drained the sink it over flowed into the dishwasher tube and well out on to the floors it came, oh well, a few nicks in the walls, a notch in the floor, a slight flood. Just leaving our fingerprints on it is all.
We still have the photo studio/office to do and the work out room (though I dont know that much is being done to that) A frig to get and dishwasher, the mirrors we hope will be here this week.

Rec room and family room

Bedroom/playroom (the kids have a tv/entertainment center in the corner behind the door, you cant see, kind of cool though)
Bath from Bedroom
Bath from hallway

salon is almost done

So now I get to start decorating it all, WOW, where to start huh!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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