Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Halloween on Friday? Seriously!

I just found out Halloween is on a FRIDAY, I am so spookin excited!
I BOO crazy for Halloween!
I am so into decorating for it, I will have to dig out some photos tonight to share, I get the ghosts, and fog, skull head, bones, grave markers, haunted house, music, we do it up around here, the kids are starting to remember my house for it, and our court hangs out between the houses, sharing drinks and spooky good times, and a Friday around here! We could wake the dead and stir the spirits for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to get my black cat out now kids!!!!

oh and this is the house I project at my garage door, the kids love it!

1 comment:

3 wonderful gifts said...

oh girl you sound like me i love to decorate for Halloween. I used to have my daughters bday and Halloween party together the kids loved it and last year i guess she got to big to keep doing it. but it was so much fun with hay rides and bonfires and all the scary decorations.

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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