Monday, September 08, 2008

salsa time

We LOOOOOOOOVE to make salsa, and each time we have tried something different, We made some earlier this week with cilantro, I hated it, a couple of the neighbors loved it so I shared it with them and Brad kept some to put peaches in, that was pretty good. So since I had my crave going, Devin and I headed back to the store for more veggies and made another patch this evening, He loves to cook and is a big help with the salsa making.
Recipe for Lisa's Salsa
Grill the following
5 tomatos (core them)
2 peppers, any color you like (core them too)
1 jalapeno (core or not to core, that is a question for you to answer)
Grill if you would like (We do)
1 red or white onion
chop , puree, food processor is what we use
3tbl sugar
1-2 tsp
lemon with lime for a little change
1 tsp salt

We add it to hamburger meat for tacos or nachos
add it to eggs for a southwest breakfast, salsa is a great healthy condiment for anything!


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