Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my morning thus far

Devin is killing me this morning, He woke tooooo early, he has asnotty nose already, some sleep would be great for both of us. I have him in my bed resting and get up to let dogs out to potty and then I get side tracked doing whatever downstairs, oh I went down to get different fish tank for our>beta fish, so I get sidetracked, I hear Devin come down and now he is hanging in the office with me, soon he decides to shut the door on me and go do his own thing,that can only mean trouble. Devin had come upstairs and I thought he will let dogs in and shut the door, >duh not this morning, He instead goes outside on the porch with the dogs and my "shhhhhhh baby sleeping" sign so I get him and dogs in and shut the front door with baby proof handle, my bad for not shutting it in the first place. I decide that we should make a new sleeping sign, see people come to my house and ring the bell or knock on the door (even with the sign sometimes )and its not that noise that wakes the boy, but the dogs barking at the person standing at my door, that usually doesn't REALLY need anything at all. Soo we proceed downstairs to print a new sign, he then says "I >pooped", so I am back upstairs to get diapers and wipes, now we change him and then I go back to print his door sign, stating with a sleeping puppy (since Devin is always imitating dogs.) "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh give momma a break, the boy is a sleep! " I come up to hang it on its magnet and find Devin in the homeopath medicine drawer, I guess this morning I didnt shut the drawer all the way after retrieving a bandaid for Devin (after he scratched open a mosquito bite), now he has pills all over the place and some in his mouth (he is okay, this will not kill him, its homeopath medicine) So I beat his ass (of course) and decide we have tried and tried with this drawer time to remove all meds from it and get it put up up and away. Now this is after Brad has twice put a block in the way so when he gets the drawer partially open from the child latch that is not so safe, and he shoves his hand in then he would hit this block of wood (baseboard actually)and then he would give up. Not so with Devin. Brad put a taller one in, well if you don't shut the drawer and latch it then its no good dumb ass, so I will assume this morning is my fault, but theres not telling so I just moved it. NOW I get him a snack since he is yelling for something else to eat, and set him up with oranges. I go back to trying to relocate the fish. Devin ends up reading the schuncks ad and hits the rest of his mandarin oranges on my clean floors, okay, pick it up. Now he is off and soon yelling because he cant push his baby stroller between the couch and glider rocker, this always makes him mad. I am trying to ignore the yelling. Finally I send him in to do wood puzzles, we got through those and I get more out to organize (we have a ton from Brenden in a cloth bag with pieces all at the bottom) we get that done and I turn to check email on computer and hear Devin yelling about something, well I didnt get to him fast enough because this is what I turned to. He was in search of a binki and I missed him checking the drawer and he moved on to the bottle cap tote in the cabinet. He just doesn't stop EVER, well it seems that way, so its only 9:20 something and I am already geared for a nap...... We still have to go to the store. Now he is standing below me saying "Uh OH", he took his diaper off, its wet! Gotta go sisters! p.s.okay then I come back to proof read this for mistakes in spelling, and he has the damn diaper off again. I need drugs and a nanny!

p.s.s. Now I go to post this walk in my room, he has butt creme in his hair

diapers all over my bed, the misquito bite is bleeding again and he says "Hi Momma!" GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

maybe this is the best place for him right now!

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