Tuesday, September 02, 2008


How do I plan to attempt to motivate an unmovitvated child, uninterested child.
I am going to load him with responisblity, now lets see if I can stick to it.
Tonight he is cooking dinner, doing laundry and unloading the dishwasher, he is cooking again on Thursday evening, he has picked hamburgers.
Brenden is the greatest kid, with a bit of I know more than you attitude.
He is unmoved by school, so what else do you have for me attitude, because this is boring. I did the work but why turn it in, what does that prove.
Well I figure cooking, teaches
1. Instruction following
2. paying attention to detail
3. responsability
4. health
5. math
6. self esteem

If I am right, this will work out, if anything, it will be taking a load off of me.

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