Thursday, September 18, 2008

Maybe this will help

I need to find a better way to keep track of who is updating their blogs, sooooooooooo I see that friends are implementing the new blogger tool, ya know the one on the left here. LET ME TELL YA, I think it could be a winner girls.
Now I will know when you blog and what ya'll are talking about.
SO expect me all up in your business more, HA kidding, but atleast I can read it sooner than later.
We are off this morning to pick up hair color, apply that hair color to a friend, bank, pharmacy, naps, after school antics, dinner, color and cut Mo Mo (Grandma Eileen). Its a full day around here, but it will be a good day, a blessed day.
Hope your's is as well, ta ta for now!

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