Thursday, September 04, 2008

I will not lie to my mom and dad

terrible two's? try terrible twelves, if Brenden and I live through this preteen stuff. I love that kid to the moon and back. I have to say he is so incredibly stubborn/bull headed. I love it about him, and I hate it.
He has a huge heart and not from his condition. HE is so sensitive and sweet and then this other side. I guess the side that will get him through life. Let him stand tall and teach him to speak up so he can be heard. He has a character that wants to prove you wrong, or make you prove it to him. If he is not interested or doesn't see the point he will shut you down and out. He has learned to play the system and use that sweet personality we all speak of and now I think it has gone too far.
I have been a push over, of course after I yell. That's what I do, yell and threaten and say I have had enough, then I cave.............
Well I have to start a new chapter, that is one of many I KNOW, but this one is called raising a teen named Brenden.
Yesterday started with catching Brenden in a lie, he was not even home when I caught it, that gave me time to prepare and consider what I will do as a punishment, Brenden is tricky when it comes to those. So after my Mike Brady speech I handed him his first time punishment for lying, writing! Brenden HATES to write, so 200 times, then I caved on myself and decided, NO he will write 100 times.
and he did, and he was not happy, BUT he did it. Next time, if there is one it will be double and so forth
I never had punishments when I was young, not that really mattered, so maybe this is why I am so bad at it. I will learn, and so will he.
I love my son, I honor who he is and what God is planning for him. He is a gift and I will do better in raising him with respect, maturity and whatever else we encounter along the way, God knows I made enough mistakes as a kid, I can figure this out.

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