Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A good friend according to a 12 year old boy!

Essay by Brenden
“ A good friend is……”
I think a good friend would be kind and would not get into trouble. A good friend wouldn’t get upset or angry. If you had a friend that got into trouble they can get you into trouble. A good friend would not ditch you when you are hanging out.
Okay enough about what a good friend is. Let’s talk about what to watch out for in a bad friend. A bad friend would whine if you don’t call or if you didn’t do what they wanted to do. They would get mad or yell if you have to leave or you can’t do this or that. A bad friend would get you in trouble for something you didn’t do. They would brag that they had something you don’t. So all I’m saying is that if you want to be a good friend, don’t do any of the things that I mentioned in the second paragraph. If you want to be a good friend in my opinion, you would just be nice to people and don’t whine or brag, just don’t. Doing these things would not bring you any friends, not good friends at least.

I think thats pretty good opinion of a good and bad friend!

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