Friday, September 26, 2008

Are you talking to me

I know Rob, you are always watching Joyce and I see her some mornings as I am waking up in bed, Stopping there for a moment from time to time. This morning I stopped, due to her animal print top, sexy momma I was thinking, Wow Joyce you go girl. I then heard what she was saying and that kept me there, about our personality and how we all come from places that are not pleasing and we can change this when we let God in to do his work, once we let God be in control amazing things happen, we can continue to make mistakes and God will continue to show us his light. I was thinking that yesterday, as I say I have no patience but I am learning and its a big hill to climb, and it is. This morning I hear her saying "you keep saying you have no patience, no peace, no joy, you are not allowing it because you have denied it over and over and over again,
* As I am typing this Devin is playing with the remote and he just turned her on again. IS GOD SPEAKING TO ME OR WHAT.*
so anyway, she then gets a camera out and does an analogy wiht the camera, alright now, come on.
So I am in a new breath of life at the moment and feeling hopeful. A continuation of how I was starting to feel last night.I had another revelation , it is one I had before but had not done anything with. I have these issues with Devin getting into trouble, well as soon as I am on this darn computer or doing something else that is not about him. Well all things dont need to be about him, but we need to be organized.
I am planning out our weeks, Monday store/grocery store runs, Tuesday playdate, Wed park and Clean house, Thursday playdate, Friday Park and lunch date.
He has even just said, go Bye Bye. He wants to be busy, out doing things and interacting with others, when we are here and I am doing whatever that boy gets bored and trouble shortly insues.
So I am going to order today Joyce's cd called Extremem Personality makeover and listen to it like therapy, I am so excited abotu it and hope its is wonderful.
Thanks God for the message this morning, I needed it!

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