Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Movie night

SO Normally my sister and I try to gather once a week to watch a chick flick, after kids are down and lights are out, its our time. We eat snacks, of course something salty and something sweet, with soda for good measure.
Tonight we had chips with homemade salsa and m&m's.
She brought this movie over, so cute. Chick flick feature "I'm with Lucy"
Lucy has 5 different first dates that they take you through, one she will end up with. So you are trying to figure out which one she drawn to by the way the dates are going. Lucy (Monica Potter) is so darn cute, and the guys, all cute in their own way, but you soon discover why each is not for her, some of them cracked us up. All in all though
I recommend it, I even like a few songs from it and have put them on the blog for your listening pleasure.
I am off to bed now, we have lots of errands and work in the morning.
Sweet dreams kids!


robbieniccum said...

would you recommend my teenage daughters watch it?

robbieniccum said...

would you recommend my teenage daughters watch it?

Lisa said...

there is one guy she has sex with, nothing naked or riskA, a CUTE movie, hardly any curse words either, do I think so

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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