Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well Devin woke me early, I am ready for a nap already, I think he is as well. We have been outside to play, gone to BB's school to drop off his eye glasses, played on the computer and talked to Robbie.
I need to finish up some photography work on the main computer, downloading and organizing, I need to up load for sharing as well. Wait, I hear possible trouble........
I just found him on my bed, I had his clean clothes in there organized ready to put away, well he found the pile of clean wooooobies, oh that is like winning the freakin lottery to him.
He was huuuuuuummin away, smelling them, rolling on the bed, of course I took photos, then we took some of us and he took some of me, lets see I am in them! I will get them off the camera after I do some chores. For now I guess I better go finish up the laundry, do some vacuuming and think about getting out of my pj's.
Dinner is in the crock pot, I have clients tonight as well, its been a busy week for the books.
Tah Tah for now kids


robbieniccum said...

awwww!!! you are so beautiful!

Lisa said...

Yea I was, after all this fun he got my sponge that holds dish soap, told him to put it down and he wouldnt, well once I got to him and he dropped it I found out why, He had the cap off and soap went all over my rug and floor, I swatted that hand, then felt like a mean momma, AGAIN!
he then put himself in his crib put on a movie, thinking I am sure, screw her!
poor kiddo!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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