Friday, September 19, 2008

Brenden and school

well if I could knock on every inch of wood in my house, oh never mind that would take forever if you know my house then you understand. So anywho
I am thankful for Brenden's progress. With a lot of help, I am willing to admit, from mom he has had a wonderful school week, mood week, helpful around the house week.
When I just step back from what others say its amazing how great of a parent, momma, counselor, friend, all that jazz person I can be.
Even with my ADD, and Brenden's ADD, we are working out a plan.
Every day he goes to his chore chart, he hardly had to anymore since I made every week and every day the same thing, he is already remembering what he HAS to get done, which is simple things, trash cans empty night before trash man comes, help with dinner certain nights, clean bathrooms, clean room, do laundry. The things he needs to know how to do so he doesn't have to rely on one of us girls to do it for him (unless he wants that) but I have always felt my job was to teach him to do it for himself, survive it.
School, that is a different story he needs momma help, so I greet him at the door, or when he finds me in the house doing whatever, ha. I allow him to do his tasks , snack, homework, chores. Then he comes back and I start to ask, we check website for homework and I go over homework and find anything that he missed, and some days its nothing, other days it is oh my gosh!!!!
we get it all put back in his binder and ready for school. His mood/my mood has been so much better. We needed it this week too. Big Daddy has had a really tough week at work, they lost their computers and all info over the weekend, they fried somehow and he has not been arriving home til 8p all week, and dog tired at that. I hate to say on a bad hormone week he would be getting a beatin, (Kidding)
I am still doing momma with a smile, working on clients, and preparing for Brad's surprise birthday party this Saturday! (CANT WAIT) now I am so glad I decided to do this, he is so needing this time with friends and family.
So I am proud of Brenden, he likes the actions we have taken and they seem to be working, I think I did mention I took him to talk to a counselor, well Brad and I should be counselors, we know just as much or more than some of these people that take our money for their help, I will admit I should know my child better than a counselor, and I would think that with how much Brad and I talk through, work out, evaluate, analyze feelings and situations that we should be realllly good at this. We have tried so much and wanted a professional opinion to be sure, and we got it. I am changing my habit of not committing to something long term and stick this out. It seems to be working well for us all.

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

yay Lisa! I am so glad you are having a fab week : )

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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