Friday, September 19, 2008

Family Fun Day, we are going to have so much fun your gonna be singing zipadedoda out your butt!

We went last Saturday to Brad's brothers church carnival, it was family fun time!
We have not done anything fun and non work related is quit some time.
We met up with Brad's niece and nephew and took them on the rides. Devin enjoyed himself, his first real time to do rides, he did so well. He would say wooooooo on the roller coaster, then he was raising his hands when we went over big bumps, Brenden spray painted his hair pink, Big Daddy loved that. Mo came out to play with us all too.
We ate some food and then Brenden got Brad to go on the octopus ride, we kept laughing waiting for him to puke, when they got off Brad's arm was all pink from Brenden's hair.
Devin got to do a ride all on his own, I prayed the whole time he wouldn't try to get off before it was over.
It was a great day out with the Fam!
Tons of photos to share, they are handful compared to how many I took, I am wondering if there is a support group for obsessed photographers!?

Devin kept saying WOOOO!!!!!!!!! on the roller coaster rides

I had to make these bigger, look at that baby boy raising his hands like his on a big roller coaster, cracks us up!

1 comment:

3 wonderful gifts said...

I so know what you mean about the support group for obsessed photographers. I went to church camp and took 694 pics nd we were only there from Monday afternoon to friday @11:00am i soooooooo know how it feels to take to many photos

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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