Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I know

not the nicest photo of Brad, but seems my camera that night was not taking the best photos, it even ended up drunk and fondled by many. So the shots as I go through them I have to trash some and others well I will share them on my slide show but may not post them here. I am one of those torn people, not always sure how or what to post. I am that person with a good angel on one shoulder and a bad girl angel on the other. I have always been that way and I am not sure it will change.
I have a strong love for God, but I know I am an imperfect human.
So it all depends I guess on who I think is reading this as to how I will post my weekends. I try to keep it somewhat tame here. Then maybe I wont and open up to be a bit more of me, that has the best of both worlds and that is ok I think.
WARNING: photos and story can be offensive or fun to your soul!
to those that view me from a different blog, you will have no clue what I am talking about unless you come to the original post on rznhvrmomma.blogspot.com


robbieniccum said...

oh Lisa!!! I think when Jodie posted the heart shaped poop, she opened the door for all of us to post whatever we want : )

I love my friends!!!!!

and I love the picture of Brad, that is the Brad we all love : )

Lisa said...

thank you, I want to post then I wonder "what will people think"
I have to move past that and know that I am me, good bad and the ugly and its ok, God excepts me, others can do the same or not....
its ok, I know you love me, HA

Dont blame your momma for everything!

my Life

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