Thursday, September 04, 2008

I will remind myself often

-"If you treat your tween with great respect and value and your child understands the 'why' behind not getting involved with certain behavior, he will have a real reason for saying 'no' to peer pressure – instead of simply saying 'because my parents say so.'"
-Preteen problems usually don't last forever, so find the positive things about boys of this age and savor them.
-"I think the best time for advice is another time – not when your kids are talking to you, or they will stop talking and you may never know the real situation."
-When your preteen has the freedom to have his own opinions, because you've given it to him, he will be much more open to telling you what he really thinks, this I dont always agree with, I guess it works though if I shut up and let him have the floor, he is more of a clam, when he is ready he will tell you
Brenden traits to pull together and decide how his character can be best appreciated
loves hugs
loves time spent with him
dry, fun, loose sense of humor
talkative when in a good mood (not being lectured or talked at)
doesnt like to be pushed
does not like long winded lectures
hates to write but loves to tell a long story
bored at school but loves to have hands on learning
loves a good movie or cartoon and will often retell his favorite parts in great detail
enjoys silent play, loves action figures the best (many times he can be missing for long periods of time to be found in his room playing alone and content)
rather teach than be the student
big ideas and has great questions that sometimes I have no answers to, and if I do think I know he will try to prove me wrong (wonder who he gets that from daddy)
HUGE imagination (good at dressing the part too)
loves games (video, computer, board games too)
prefers the answers to get to the point
not about the details, just the ending result
sometimes when dealing with his brother or other children he becomes an adult (he's kind of strict)
He loves to engross himself in new friends and new play
lives in the moment
has a need for things now to forget or let them go quickly
loves one more hug before bed
can always say "I love you"
If he had a time machine, I think he would love to go back to being a little guy, it use to upset him to see videos of himself when he was small, or not to be in a photo with us when we were first together
A momma's boy at heart
Brenden works at Brenden's pace, when its his time he shines, before then you might as well be trying to move a 2 ton rock.
Brenden is a watcher, he would rather step back and watch a train wreck rather than be in it
Some things sound better than they really are, Brenden loves the sound of many things
He wants to be close to his family, to go back to things we use to do, to be in a different place sometimes.
If we could just pause time (at certain times), this would make him happy, but how much he would miss in his future.
A lover not a fighter

Dont blame your momma for everything!

my Life

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