Monday, September 08, 2008


okay, so I got some photos of what we did this weekend with moving in to the basement, we even had friends over on Saturday, they cooked us dinner, we bought the Ultimate Fighting Championship pay per view, pretty intense stuff. ANYWHO we broke it all in, even had a water issue in the bar, since we dont have the dishwasher yet, when I drained the sink it over flowed into the dishwasher tube and well out on to the floors it came, oh well, a few nicks in the walls, a notch in the floor, a slight flood. Just leaving our fingerprints on it is all.
We still have the photo studio/office to do and the work out room (though I dont know that much is being done to that) A frig to get and dishwasher, the mirrors we hope will be here this week.

Rec room and family room

Bedroom/playroom (the kids have a tv/entertainment center in the corner behind the door, you cant see, kind of cool though)
Bath from Bedroom
Bath from hallway

salon is almost done

So now I get to start decorating it all, WOW, where to start huh!


Just Ol' Auntie K said...

All the hard work you and your husband have done on your basement is worth is gorgeous girl!

robbieniccum said...

you have picked up some really cool pieces of furniture Girl!!!! It looks so wonderful!!!!! I am ready to get rid of everything we have, I want the simply beautiful look!!!!

Anonymous said...

that is nice!!!! can i move in!!! haha

Anonymous said...

wow- its awesome! can i move in?? haha

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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